Minecraft Username: techy88 Brief Description: When I try my set /home n outside of the nether I'm prompted with the error message saying I don't have permissions for the nether even though I am a survivor. Instructions: Try to use a home set in the nether, outside of it. How many times did you recreate this?: 3 Result: Could not use my nether homes outside of the nether Expected Result: Should be able to use set homes anywhere(besides the end ofc) Evidence: N/A
I will test this again after the maintenance to ensure it's still an active bug. Edit: Is still a persistent bug after the maintenance.
Error: you do not have the esentials.worlds.nether permission. Still there outside the nether /homes still work if you enter the nether first.
This is fixed then. If you are in Rising, and use /home, it should no longer take you into the nether.
Is this correct? If you are in Rising, using /home to get into the nether, without a nether rank, no longer takes you there, yes?
Correct, sorry. apparently it was bugged before the update and is no longer. Didn't realize this was how it was intended
Yup, you're not supposed to TP into a world you don't have access to. As you are not on staff, and don't have nether ranks, you no longer have nether world access.
I believe users with the nether rank are also experiencing this issue. Also i believe techy does have nether rank if he had a home there in the first place since he was never staff.
I have all nether ranks and I'm experiencing this issue. Setting a home in the nether and doing /home nether from rising results in the same error message techy described.
There was a permissions discrepancy that I have just pushed a fix for. All teleportation issues via nether/end should be resolved.
Yes I did have permissions in the nether. But as of this message everything is resolved. Sorry for the long delay I must've missed the posts.