Tekkit is 1.2.5 it didn't work. Also, my chunk cache was at around 0 - 49 49 was the highest, and it went to 0, 2, and 4 ect. Idk if this matters.
Okay jetsy, I don't know if you have tried this yet, it may help it may not, it may be an internet problem, or it may not, I recommend unplugging your router for about 5 seconds then plugging it back in. again, this may or may not work.
Ok this will sound really stupid but here goes... I had this problem a few months back when I logged out in spawn. I lagged too much in spawn and the computer couldn't log on and load all the chunks, so it crashed. The solution is stupid but simple, get on a different computer that can play minecraft and log on. Then proceed to go to a lag-free area (for your computer at least) Then proceed to log out in that area and go back to playing on your other computer. Hopefully this works, and if not then oh well..I can sound like an idiot. @jetscat
I figure I should mention this now: After spending hours and hours with jetscat about the issue in ventrilo, and having several other people who are far more experienced with this stuff help as well, I can tell you guys now that anything you can come up with on your own will likely not be the solution to the problem. Unless you are experienced with computers and stuff and you have all the details, you'll never find the solution on your own. Unless you guys have personally had the exact same problem as him, it's hard to give a good answer. I'd wait until he responds with more information, since I know that these kinds of things are the things we tried hours ago. Jets I'm sure still appreciates you trying to help though.
do you have access to your router? Try a reboot of it Unplug the power cable and wait 5 seconds then plug it back in
Really it didn't work? To D0rc, this exact thing has happened to me, a few times actually. My solution worked for me, but I guess not for jets..
Buy a new computer.... fixes EVERYTHING! xDD 20k please? lol Try resetting your computer to factory settings if what they said above doesn`t work (THIS IS A LAST RESORT! NOT RECCOMENDED !) OR....... Download a FRESH copy of MC through a different computer, use a high memory Flashdrive, uninstall the copy of Minecraft, then replace