I'd be willing to sell any part of my macros that are deemed to be Legal. Simply forum PM me and we can work out something. As to peoples claims of the legitimacy of my appeal, I don't quite appreciate being accused of things no one seems to have evidence of. I provided proof of my innocence in my appeal and I contacted Phys seconds after my ban to try and rectify the situation. However the only thing I was provided with was the mod's lack of explanation and a steady supply of the phrase "We have proof". @Nicit6 @UnitedStates2 I agree, under the current rules there should be no issues.
@Aluxxen yes by bringing up your situation I didn't mean to make any accusations against you either as I have no idea exactly one way or the other with your situation so I apologize if it seemed as though I was trying to comment specifically on your case either way. I just also found your situation confusing and it made me watchful about just how afk I would ever melon farm and only brought it up out of concern for anyone else intentionally making the mistake you claim to have made.
No...? You just need to be putting work into your money making and not-AFK. That's the rules. Yeah, pressing one or more buttons should be fine under the current rules.
That's exactly what I said. You're moving your character down the row of melons, you're breaking the melons by holding down left click, this isn't AFK at all.
@oootopia No worries, I know what your point was. It wasn't you that was making accusations, so all is good.
No... You can have macro mod break melons for you too, or have it walk for you - One of the two maximum. You said you have to have it be doing both.
You're both talking, but you're not talking to each other. You silly poops. Eek said you needed to do those things yourself, the moving and breaking. And you misinterpreted that. Whether he said "and" or "or" is irelevant.
Nono, eek said "AND" instead of "OR". Those two words have different definitions. When he said "and" I was assuming he meant both at the same time, not either one. I get that we misinterpreted each other, however I'm just explaining how that came to be, for me at least.