I would like to know what you all think about this following idea: I am thinking about making a 200 by 200 farm that goes from bedrock to the sky, this will be one great farm for users to use and i need to know what you think. Over time with the money i make from the farm i can buy another town and another until i have 4 in total turning all of these into 200 by 200 bedrock to sky farms aswell, This in a total would add up to a 800 by 800 farm that goes height limit down to bedrock. I would like to know what you think about this idea of One farm and then about 4 overall. Please comment, as i want to hear what everyone thinks.
I just feel that there are already tons of farms. It will take a while to build also. You will make good money though.
I think it would be a good idea, but it would take a very long time so you should get going on this to. What crops would you be growing?
Keep in mind, each layer of a 200x200 plot is 40,000 blocks... Now add that up however many stories you intend for this to build....
well she said bed rock to height limit, which is 256 layers. If we leave 4 layers gap between layers, that is 2,560,000 blocks a farm or 10,240,000 bloacks all together (notwithstanding walls). Good luck!