/ I was a fresh lil nit. gettinging trolled alot. from all serververs til ecc. This ment rules ass kiking kikers that done kiking. Over years we had issues but we was a family. Now My home is take from me. I understand as a host that time messes software up. This cat Andrewk help out the longest. I Cow to you. So what happenes to all thet had what we had? we got to redo? I love this server it is true and was PG. R is good when staff is redone cause they abuse alot. Not no more i see. So what happens with old? This server taught me wat it was to be a server so I modeled them. This is home. Good people. Now that its gone? what? do I get? Are u doinging a 200x200? So every 7 years I can do this? and say it was good? Please have better outcome
Hey @antoniobradiano I highly suggest that you read Andrew's news post here: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ecocitycraft-main-server-archive-reset.177656/ It clearly explains what is planned to happen to the main server. It won't be 'gone' and its planned that you will still be able to visit it.
so this is all skyblock? I know this isnt pure skyblocke. if so might as well say Bank 11. SO it also sounds like old people keeps old things. If we loose our things what do old ppeople get in comp. To loose this mainserver is to loose its soul/ Casue everyone that started here will loose the begining of them selves. and its trace. What are you gona compare that to this new world?
We will be getting a new main server, and the current server will be archived. You'll be able to get to it via the /server command (it'll be something like /server archive) and visit it. You should keep all your tools, chests, and town permissions that you have right now. To summarize Andrew's post, the update to 1.13 comes with some major changes to how world generation and back end stuff works, and the map would have to be converted in order to be compatible. However, conversion comes with its own issues. Instead of ruining people's six years of building and hard work through converting the main server, Andrew has instead decided to create a new main server and turn the current main server into a place we can still view builds and towns without having all the issues of converting it fully.
sweet. So he is holding this old world as what? > This is my world. my home can convert it. I tried ty for sharing. I see hopless ness. wish u luck. the reason ppl come here is to remember Y I was the one that said Andrewk Day and got baned bye idiots. Just dont loose this main server with many pple u got and years of building. Like u said it is capable of saving if u need help building pm me I know we
sweet if I am able to come home. Thats all that matters. make this server better. Then add mods like teckit and stuff and atlauncher. This server taught me morals in this game this is Christian style so to say
"What people don't understand is servers like Hypixel, and any of the thousands of servers for that matter, don't have 30kx30k maps generated before 1.4 that were already converted once. I challenge anyone to point out just ONE server out there out of thousands with a 7 year old 30,000x30,000 map generated prior to the first map code change before 1.4 that was already converted once. I'll buy you a car lmao." ~ AndrewKM Essentially, ECC's maps are really old, and massive, it'd be almost impossible to convert without issues with losing chunks / items in chests.
So you saying AndrewK is gonna save this mainserver in a world and have other worlds? Simple non pretentuse lingistical arbutraies would simplefy shit. So the main world that built this now server is still available later? This wiped out half of others as I recall. I am with oyster
you respeak that same. I understand what it take to transfer files of alot. I used to host . so dont placate It was here is where I learned. question is. Those that been here 6 years. Will our places be still here? If not How do u justify old payments. I speak for the weak. We dont want oue homes gone
Yeah, you just won't be able to make money on that server seeing as /sell and trade signs have been disabled. They haven't done a reset before. Who's oyster? Your home won't be "gone", just archived. All donations will transfer over.
Oinky I host many servers, This Vanilla which I will never do ( sacreligious). I host [MOD EDIT] I host [MOD EDIT], Resonant Risem3 and 4, this area id like to come home and see my home still here. I host BF4, COD 4, deltaforce land warior. Chivlary and deadliest warrior Nice to come home. Hope u saying home is relocated.
Then you should know that transferring 1.12.2 worlds to 1.13 causes issues, even while transferring my tiny single player world, I lost an entire chest full of items and encountered a few corrupted chunks, now scale that up to 30,000 x 30,000 and a world that was generated in 1.4. The truth of the matter is, as Andrew and Jamie have said before, there isn't a feasible way to convert the worlds of the Main server. Think of it this way, it's a chance to start fresh, everyone is on the same level again.
so after all that. What do old homies get back in return. Is there gonna be a Ne world and how long will this last before this BS happenes again? I understand all u said. What do us old faithful gets and wat of thi s new worlrd. need to open this new world to old ones 3 days before new ppl sounds like old people thats made this gets the shaft
Like Imagine said above, read Andrew's forum post. The Main server isn't going away, it's being archived. A new server, called "City", will take it's place along with a new world.
ok lets hope cause if my home is gone me is. This is best newbie server I tell all family oriented. also ad Andrewk day. even thought his pride dnt like. he is a good man. I see know. I got adhd take a min lil ferry
All will be fine antonio, just have faith in Andrew as our owner. He's got us through many tough spots before, he will do what is best for all of us.
Nothing will be “gone”. The old maps in main just cannot be converted to work properly with the new update. Andrew could take a chance and try to convert the maps, but since they are so old and so large, he does not want to risk people losing stuff, so he’s not. Instead, he has decided to make a new world that will be compatible with the update to replace main. Since Andrew does not want people to lose stuff, he is archiving old main, meaning you will not lose your towns, your items, your features.... you get to keep everything... you can even still work on your town/builds, you just won’t be able to earn money on the old main anymore. Now this new main will be designed to try and cut out the flaws of the old main and everyone can earn money on there. We will also have the opportunity to rebuild on there if we want or just start over fresh and do something different than before. The new main will be pretty much like the old main and all the features you had on the old main, will transfer over to the new main. I hope this clears things up for you, you won’t lose anything and we’ll be getting a place we can have a fresh start in. You could build a vacation house in new main to go along with your home in old main!