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  1. 314 Irrational SuperMod, former ServerAdmin
    SuperMod EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Known and common bugs

    Please read these topics before posting a bug report yourself - your question might have an answer available here.
    If your problem is not listed here, feel free to file a bug report or create a help thread.

    Forum bugs

    Please send a forum PM to a ServerAdmin and request them to remove the duplicate medal for you.

    General bugs

    In most cases, this bug is caused by lag. It can either be a one-time disconnection or a permanent problem.

    If it is a permanent problem (i.e. you are being kicked immediately upon joining and cannot move at all), it is possible that the server saved your position in midair.
    If you are ranked Resident or above, you can use the shoutbox to ask for a staff member so that they can either force-teleport you to a different location or place a block below you so the server will no longer kick you immediately. If you are a Builder and thus have no access to the shoutbox, you can contact a moderator via a forum PM.

    If you have been offline for at least 90 days, your inventory has been cleared; this happens due to the ECC File Cleanup Policy. Please refer to to receive advice on how to secure your items if you are going to be offline for a while.

    These items are permanently lost, so make sure to store everything in a secure location when you are planning to be away from ECC for a while.

    Please refer to the chapter "My inventory has disappeared" directly above.

    This message can occur whenever you try to say something in chat. Commands like /pm and /r usually work fine.

    Go to Minecraft's options menu, select "Chat settings..." and ensure that "Chat" is set to "Shown", not "Commands Only" or "Hidden".

    Command-related bugs

    There are multiple requirements for successfully combining owned items:
    1. The tool must be owned by you.
    2. An owned tool can not be placed in an anvil's middle slot. The item in there must not be owned.
    This means that it must not have an item ID at all.​
    3. You must click on the items and the slots. Dragging, shift clicking or any other movement type will abort the combining.
    4. The unowned tool in the middle slot must not have a custom name.

    The only possible cases are:
    1. Renaming an owned tool that belongs to you.
    2. Combining your owned item in the left slot with an unowned (and unnamed) item in the middle slot.
    3. Repairing your owned item with a material in the middle slot.

    The second case, the most common one, can be seen in this video.

    It is possible that a player has changed their name. Please refer to to find out whether the player has changed their name. If they did, try removing different usernames that are listed for the player in question. Alternatively, you can use /rg rm <Townname> <The user's UUID> as removing the user by their UUID can fix it as well.

    If this does not work for some reason:
    Take a screenshot of your member list, then use /rg rm -a <Townname> (which removes all members of a region) and then re-add all other members that were previously added to the town.

    Auctioning items with an item ID is disabled on purpose, this is not a bug.

    This bug is already known, but there is no fix available yet.

    Some condensable items (e.g. quartz) cannot be reverted. In order to prevent accidental condensing of these items, you need to use /condense hand or /condense all.
    Use /cnd allnorev to condense all items(including those that cannot be reversed).

    World-related bugs

    This bug is already known. If you have any information about this bug, please post it at

    Please refer to "Not receiving damage in the nether" directly above. These bugs are related.

    Username change related bugs

    It is likely that /rg i of your town shows a name: in front of your username. This means that the town ownership is not bound to your account, but to your username. Contact a GameAdmin to be added as an owner again.
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    #1 314, Feb 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2019
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