1. Moosagi President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 2, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Hi! I'm Moosagi and I am your friend. I'm here to help you get started in the wonderful world of EcoCityCraft. I am willing to give you a loan with the kind of collateral a new player would have. That includes no collateral.

    I put everyone into one of four categories based on their credit history. What that means is, your previous history with me and on forum contracts.

    Level 1: No history.
    You can do some work for me or demonstrate your dedication to EcoCityCraft by farming a set of max enchanted armor and a tool. Ex. at station5 at time of writing a max diamond set and fort3 diamond pick can be had for about $30,000. If you can get that far you're eligible for our level 1 package:

    Level 1: $100,000 loan
    This loan is so you can get Resident and Survivor asap. Or maybe save up for something nice like an elytra. If you want the loan for something else, we can discuss that.

    The repayment terms are very easy! All you need to do is repay one nether star per day for four months! Anyone can easily do that by voting, so there's no excuse not to repay. Just vote every day or farm for 10 minutes a day and you can soooo easily repay this loan. If you go inactive no problem, just let me know and maybe prepay if you can. I'm very flexible. As a bonus, for new players, we will give you a free plot in our town, if you want. It will be a nice plot near some shops maybe, or in the country as you prefer. Maybe with a nice little garden in front. And a shrubbery. One that looks nice, and not too expensive.

    Also, if you repay the loan early, your credit rating here will be very good. Even if you only play five minutes a day you can repay the entire loan within a month and a week by voting and using your votes to buy netherstars.

    Level 2
    Ahh! So you have demonstrated your credit is good and you love eco city craft as much as we do and you want to be a mayor! Get your own town! Nice. We're here to help you get started.

    The level 2 package includes a $275,000 loan for:

    1. Applying for Mayor ($175,000)
    2. Town Warp application ($100,000).

    The terms are similar to the above except this time you must repay three nether stars a day for four months. This is still well within the range of someone who only plays five minutes a day! Just vote and log on to collect your nether stars from /vote shop. Anyone can easily repay this loan; the collateral for this loan will be the town and warp, of course, so it all works out.

    And as always, it looks good when you repay your loans early!

    *** LEVEL 3 ***
    The level 3 plan is for only the most experienced loan connoisseurs.

    This is where we loan you up to $1m ECD for a magic tool, a feature, and so forth. You could get president with this. Or anything! It's your money now!

    The terms are exceedingly easy to repay! By this time you should know how to farm and make money. Thus we suggest you go for a magic tool first -- such as axe, shears, PvP sword, or even pickaxe or rod (although these are slightly more expensive). Depending on the terms we arrange (such as, if you promise to sell to our stores.....) the repayment terms can be exceedingly flexible. An example would be a 1 million ECD loan for a magic pick, or for a PvP sword so you can farm sword XP for your MCMMO prestige. Good plan. We suggest 7 nether stars per day for six months (for the pick) or five (for the sword). You can't beat those terms. Those terms are unbelievable! Anyone can afford that, right? Of course the collateral for such a loan would be your land and tools, etc. but you're a responsible person, right?

    Larger loans, or loans with more collateral can be discussed. I love making reasonable loans.

    I would love to loan you a magic tool like a magic pick, magic rod, for very flexible repayment terms such as the above.

    My god, what are you waiting for? Get your amazingly reasonable loans TODAY!

    Loans will be individually negotiated and will require a contract.
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    #1 Moosagi, Jan 15, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023