1. SoftlyPsychotic ♡ † Queen of Builders † ♡
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 22, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hello ECC! I am currently the owner of ModernFarms, a town that was originally bought by shrinkwrap4me. I made ModernFarms my dedicated project right before Christmas, and since then it's been building on itself and getting bigger and more amazing with each passing day. With huge builds, farms, and even a skyscraper (courtesy of GoddessLaverna), I would have never imagined ModernFarms to be the town it is today. So, with that being said, I feel it is time I pass it on to an owner that will continue to help it thrive. I often give Builders free plots, and out of the 17 I let in, only two greifed, and 1 only greifed a player head. The other just didn't replant a farm. The users in ModernFarms, while sweet and awesome, have also not been as active as they used to, due to schoolwork. So, I ask that if you DO wish to buy ModernFarms, don't buy it and kick people out. They've worked so hard, and I won't sell if your intention is to remove them from their pride and joy :(

    I will start ModernFarms off at 100k.
    #1 SoftlyPsychotic, Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2013