hello my name is atzall an i logged into my town on MainNorth and was flying around and notices that all my miscallanious signs and itemframe where gone and i was like okay thats a easy fix just time and shit then i flew past my farm and stables and all of my named animals were gone all my pens were empty and this made me upset cuz i had ove 58 different sheep, 10 horses, like 7 llamas a bunch of other animals like rabits pigs cows wolfs and ll of them were named i took alot of time to bring them to my towns the town names are sovengarde and dovahndor both have warps. i appreciate everything that you guys do for the server . Thanks Atzall
https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ecocitycraft-has-updated-to-1-14-4.192523/#post-1046607 Once Main/MainNorth is back, everything will be resolved and all missing items will be back <3.