The Spawn Area Of The New Mining World Is Supposed To Be A 50x50 Safe Zone Yet Splash Potions Are Still Hurting/Killing Players As Soon As They Enter The Portal. Obviously Players Should Use Some Common Sense And Assume Since PVP Is Disabled In This 50x50 Area That Hurting/Killing Players In This Area Isn't Very Fair, But Nonetheless It Was Happening Tonight. So I Believe An Invincible Flag For This 'Region' As Is At The Main World Spawn Would Be The Easiest Remedy. A Yay Or Nay With Reasons For Or Against Would Be Appreciated.
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tsmith3390 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
tsmith3390 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Sorry it's an OCD habit of sorts, I'll work on that. :D
Random question of the day then, does this mean if we light someon on fire with a fire aspect sword and they tp spawn, no more damge shall be inflicted?