Ndm pvpers have PVP WORLD we don't need another one lol MINING WORLD is for mining simple as that. Just like Matt says you want another way to kill people who know nothing who could easily not notice where they are. Don't be greedy, pvpers have a place to fight and its 10x better anyway so -1
A: I never said I was good at pvp, B: Please stop trying to start something with me and please stop calling me names, I won't fight over this because of a message and I will get a mod if it continues.
i knew this was gonna be shot down -.- back in the day when the mining world half the people posting on this suggestion got away from the pvpers just drink a speed 2 pot and run away and they were fine its simply not that hard and if your see all this kids abusing their donation features so they can get a kill on someone in the mining world this would happen if it went back tp resident+ and pvp again it was a shame the day the mining world became non pvp.
Personally, I like this idea but, other things must happen in order for this to happen how I see it. First, builders have to be banned from the mining world. That is something everyone can agree on. They crashed the exp market and really kinda lost the purpose of becoming a resident. Second, andrew has to outlaw builders from getting in. Lastly, he has to pass this suggestion. +1, once builders are gone from the mining world.
No one fights any more, and really stop try to beef and disagree with everything i say you are starting to act like 2 XD, MY suggestion cleary stats 2 worlds res+ for the pvp one, its like good ole times, if you wana hide in non pvp i suggestions 2 mining worlds 1 non pvp and 1 pvp, it is a economy server but that doesnt mean there isnt any fighting, Understand how many ppl loved the pvp mining world and all the kills and fun everyone had
I agree totally, but i only want builders to be banned from the pvp one, so they do have a chance in the non pvp making money to get res+ ranks and donate rather then quit cause it is too hard
idk I was never in the pvp mining world time I joined 4 months ago but im a hardcore miner with based pick and good armor and items so I don't need to worry about ndm nibuhg down to me in Prot 4 and sword and taking my diamonds! 1-
to be honest your not gonna get killed unless someone finds your spawner back when ecc was fun the mining world was known as the place where your mine with the chance of danger and the danger was pvp i don't know why it was ever changed.
If you really want pvp in mining world, make a suggestion for one of the gates in pvp world to be like mining world but smaller, with mining and griefing and stuff, but no mobs, and pvp is enabled.
really stop lying cause when i was a resident i always used speed 2 pots and got away from all the pvpers cause more than half of them dont carry them. its not hard to dodge people if people were so scared to die get fly+ of investigator and use /vanish to get away maybe doing this would get more ppl to donate.
I was thinking how about we turn the mining world pvp but have it so builders can disable PVP for themselves if they want to. There would have to be restrictions in place tp stop them from abusing it but it could work. I was just going to bed but needed to say this... Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I think it should be like it used to be. no builders and pvp it also gives more to look forword for being a resident.