MINEWARS Based off the hit T.v show, Storagewars! Hello their folks! So we've done many Minewars in the past weeks, so I thought i'd make an OFFICAL post for we can post all the screenshots/staff/wages/profits/sponsers ALL OF THAT! So lets start off with the great staff of this event! They all work VERY hard 100% harder then me and I think they should be awarded for this hard work, so here they are! Staff List : Welikeike22 - Pay - TBD EGkoston - Pay - TBD Rezonl - Pay - TBD Komrk888- Pay - TBD The above are the OFFICAL staff right now, there are some that help out here and there. I hope too decide pay soon, for now it's what we earn split up between all of us, Not much but it's a start. Minewars Schedual : Satureday : 2:50 P.M EST - 8:30 P.M EST hope we add some more later! Sponsers atm : Celestia Scottyang. Arb. (Arbinc) So yah that's it for now, I gotta run hope too update this soon with some great screenshots of this fantastic event! Have any questions, Comments, post below!
Sure guys means alot thanks, let me know how much and i'll either put a pixel art with your towname or what ever you would like, or a sign near the gate.
Pardon add me to what? Oh and I live in NZ so I'll be on in 12 hours and ill Pay u then Gonna go to sleep
Welcome two new sponsers of Minewars! Thanks Arb for a 15k donations, and saying you're goin' too get even more! Means alot! Thanks Scotty for your 10k, the support means alot.
I dont want to ask this question cause i feel this might annoy you but is there going to be a minewar anytime soon?