I got CoD Ghosts, GTA V, and about $450-500 in cash which imma buy a television, and a gaming headset for xbox 360.
I wanted a new desktop but my parents got me money to buy one myself. I want to try and build a computer for $400. I have know idea where to start though. How much was that computer? Does it play games fast?
Most notable thing I got was my 3DS (came with the new Luigi's Mansion), Pokémon X, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. However, I also got a Soft Kitty backpack (goes with my Soft Kitty hoodie <3), lotsa Laffy Taffy, a giant container of Swewart Old Fashioned Peppermint candies, dark chocolate orange, socks, underwear... other candy... toothbrush.. two shawls/scarves... And Minecraft stickynotes block. Neither of my grandma's stuff has arrived yet, though. Probably clothes and money, lol.
As soon as I read the soft kitty part of this I immediately thought "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr." As for myself, I got a second monitor only... My family doesn't make Christmas a big deal with a tree and many presents, so this is perfectly normal for me
my parents said it was around $500 to $600. And i can play games that i couldnt even play on my old laptop, on the highest quality. I launch alot of games on high quality now without lag so it runs games pretty fast
well i followed the family who did it. I didn't want to not have it because these people get kinda like *strange* when you don't follow them
I got an xbox one, nike employee store pass for $100 (plan on getting soccer cleats or track spikes, $400, and LOTS of hair stuff:3 I am obsessed with my hair LOL
Here is what I got; Ps4 New graphics card $250 or so. A bunch of sick ass clothing A new chair (My old one made my back hurt) A new thingy to put my mouse on from Razzer sick ass. $100k on ECC - Luv u Hicca Thats about it I think.
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