Thats when u killed me with potions in the mining world and u made me promise that i wouldn't steal i had full prot 3 armor :l LOL i remember this why? :|
YAY im in the memories Im the 1 who said POKEMON for when andrew said what show is peter griffin from
Rabid, if you could find a pic of me as a builder or res I would give you all y taters:3 hehehehe maayyybbbeeee>
Me and AndrewHarry as a Mod! Harryhaz1 Star as a President! StarleanaStar calling me an awesome Resident lol what a long time ago. StarleanaSkylexia saying how I am dark green. I had just gotten it too when she said that.
Deathnight69 as mayor. kukelekuuk00 spamming me. I couldn't find one of my old account LoLo16, but I found one of Starleana as builder. back then I didn't really care about screen shots, so this is really all I have. :/