1. LordCwispy Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Ok, I didn't say anything when wheat dropped from $1.75 to $1.25. A little drastic but, ok. But, the reasoning for it was to make it more in line with how much you could make doing other crops, particularly melons. Now pumpkins have been increased to $1.25 and melons down to $1.50. Well, if wheat was dropped to make it in line with melons, then dropping melons means that wheat is now out of alignment with melons again. But, the real problem is that melons are a complete waste now. Silk touch picks are expensive and people (like me) paid a premium for silk touch picks to be able to farm melons more effectively. Now, if you don't have a silk touch pick it is just plain better to farm pumpkins. Now, in order to make back the $20k I paid for a Eff 4, unb 3, ST pick, I have to farm 80,000 melons to make up the difference between farming melons and farming pumpkins with a plain old eff 4, unb 3 axe/pick. Is this really what you wanted to do? kill the value of Silk picks?

    Now maybe melons and pumpkins needed to be tweaked a little. But, $1.75 for melons and $1.25 for pumpkins would have been much more palletable (sp?). I think it would actually make it a hard choice between melons and pumpkins. Only those people that have silk touch items would bother farming melons. But, for those who don't have one or whose silk item needs to be repaired and they can't find a repair, then pumpkins would be the thing to farm. Even with a fortune 3 pick/axe pumpkins are going to be a better crop because on average it will take harvesting 4 melons to get 27 slices to make a melon block to sell for $1.75. That would be that 4 melons would give $5.25 and 4 pumpkins $5. That is HARDLY a game breaking increase to give people that are willing to get a fortune 3 item over not having one. But, with the prices at $1.50 and $1.25 pumpkims give $.50 more per 4 melons/pumpkins harvested even if the melon harvester has fortune 3 above whatever the pumpkin harvester has.

    So, this change in prices has killed the value of silk touch picks/axes AND fortune axes (whose only value was harvesting melons). I guess technically a silk touch pick could still be used to silk touch ores, but they aren't really worth that much more than harvesting the ores with a fortune 3 pick anyway. All that really allows you to do is sell the ore block for the value of what ores you would get out of them plus what experience you would get out of them instead of selling the ores and experience separately. I guess it would allow you to collect more ore blocks and then mine the ore blocks for the ores next to a chest. But, with a /home and /home bed that really doesn't save you much and probably takes more time.

    I would argue that the only thing that needed adjusting is pumpkins up some and not adjusting melons down at all. But, if melons MUST be adjusted down. $1.50 is down too much and pretty much kills melons as a crop. All those 200 by 200 melon farms have now become worthless and the 200 by 200 pumpkin farms became much more valuble. I really think that you need to look at how this is balanced a little bit closer. Melons should be increase to at least $1.75 and some thought should be put into increasing them back to $2 and increasing pumpkins to maybe $1.35/$1.40.

    Oh and if the argument is that you can make $x dollars/hour harvesting melons and that that is too much (I don't know what X is, but for this argument it doesn't really matter), then that really doesn't fly because only people who have donated for the $70 U.S. (REAL MONEY to support the server) can really harvest melons for hours on end. Other people have to PAY ecodollars to these donators to be able to harvest melons for hours on end. So, being able to make $x dollars an hour harvesting melons is a benefit to DONATORS much more than the general population.

    Finally, if you decide that you want to decrease the money you get from wheat farming further because it is now out of sync with melons, then you should only decrease the price of seeds, not of the wheat.

    Finally, Finally, really this is my final word, this doesn't matter much to me because I don't make my money primarily from farming; farming is supplemental when I feel like doing it and I usually don't do it that much. I did do it a lot more when I started on the server. But, now, I've been making money other ways. I do, however, think that this change might have some unexpected consequences to the economy as a whole beyond the change in price for selling these to the server and beyond the market value of silk tools and fortune axes. The trickle effect will change prices to a variety of things that I don't want to try to predict.

  2. Mr360zack Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 5, 2012
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    I'm not reading all this My head hurts reading the first sentence.
  3. rosypolly Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 17, 2012
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    If you read it, it's not a bad read. He has some intersting view points in there.
  4. DrSyrup Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 2, 2012
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    Normally I would discuss something like the current prices of farming materials, but I got too lazy to even think about it along the road.... Mining FTW!
  5. DFat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 31, 2012
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    Moved to Price Suggestions.
  6. andrewlstephan Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Also +100,000 :D
  7. EpicAssassin158 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 24, 2012
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    Maybe re-raise wheat?
  8. thehockeykids2 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I do see your point, in the silk-touch being in-valuble, however silk-touch is also rare, keeping the prices up. It's also helpful to destroy stuff to get glass/leaves/smooth-stone/whatever else it can get.

    Now, your point about pumpkin/melons is VERY arguable. The current goal is to get everything to around a 12-15k an hour profit. Both pumpkins and melons are sutiable in the 12-15k range, HOWEVER, the tools needed to farm melons successly is expensive, nothing else is required. So, in all, different tools/costs to get set up, same profit. Choose your side.

    Now, wheat. wheat was lowered to, again, make it in the 12-15k range profit. BUT that is only taken into account that people only use the semi-auto redstone or water farms. Both these are diffecult to both build and is fairly expensive to build. So, the non-semi-auto farms, have been nerfed badly, and is forced to build semi-auto or sell the farm. Now, IF the staff decides to raise it, the non semi-auto farmers will be happy to get there original profit. HOWEVER the semi-auto farmers are making MORE, which is why they were lowered in the first place, to not be bigger than 12-15k an hour, to stuff ECC full of wheat farms, and to have a huge chrash, *cough* pumpkins havid of 2012 *cough* Choose your side

    So, it is VERY contraversal, as MANY aspects MUST be put into view.

    i like what i wrote, i usually dont do this :p
  9. RyanJF1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 1, 2012
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    I believe Andrew wants it at around 15k-20k. I may be wrong though.
  10. Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Ya they may want to make 12-15k or 15-20k but they calculate it by the best way of farming which not everyone can obtain/afford like an eff V or a semi-auto so if they calculated it by an eff IV or just plain old breaking and replanting the wheat I think it will be more balanced for the average player.
  11. scottyang1323 CATS and President
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 30, 2011
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    I personally think that ECC should stop continuously relying on farming. that's why we have these massive blowouts every time a price change occurs

    I feel like ECC is turning into Nebraska, too heavily relying on farming
  12. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    Lol state joke. But seriously I have to agree with you.
  13. kyra981000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 12, 2012
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    well ecc might rely on farming and mining dosent make that much eather since dimond prices went down to 35 highest each like 1 stack is about 2.5k at the highest price hours of work for scrap i think they should rais melon price back to 2$ it was fine before and pumpkins should go to 1$ and wheat should stay the same this makes weat in the middle pumpkins bottom and melons top so we do have a metting point were the price is spread out but fair i have spent 20k on a silk and got it scamed (long story) but any way having to buy another one is too expinsive since all the price drops and how are people supposed to afford res then mayor tycoon and eco leader on this how will people buy plots on this kinda money too much is being taken away we need to add more rather than take i mean i dont even see how i am going to sell plots now with all the prices going down not very many people will buy plots more people will sell there town for money and the econemy will go to nothing

    (this is a rant) sorry for the longness
  14. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    More money in the economy means inflation. Prices would drop faster. What needs to be done is more player to player. Obviously you can't buy diamonds so that is already working. What needs to be done is if Andrew could make ingame minor perks (like placing dispensers) available for a good amount of money. Also people should try a buisness stock, and trading sort of money making. And if Andrew makes rare items (not super rares like the portal cube) available to the public for eco$, then even more can be pulled out of the economy.
    I know this is off topic but prices just need to be fair not massively big. I would also like to see more iron being mined. I k ow it sounds silly but iron actually makes more money for me then gold, lapis, or redstone. Also I think diamonds are fine as they are. I know it seems like they crashed but here is a way to get the price back up. Organize boycotts of diamonds less than a certain amount. Eventually people will raise prices to keep from getting boycotted. It also should be noted that the price of an item is judged in trade by the orice at the spawn market.
    •price raise = inflation
    •boycotts work in history
    •features and unobtainables should be buy able with eco$
    •find where is said teapot