Please do not provoke the beginning of a flame thread, for they are against the rules of the forums. If you have a complaint, please file one.
Sorry. Nevermind about my post. Sick is right, bad idea. I figured it might be productive, but you're right, it will just cause flaming. Sorry.
I got mine yesterday and before anyone asks..... No it is not for rent as I have seen the scammers and those that have broken them and I am not risking wasting my $350k to buy mine
updated! and jvhosmuffin i will not. i don't want this to be a flame thread or anything that might be locked, i want this to be an informed thread, with some cool stats to go along with it, i don't want to "Attack" other users with my thread, sorry
Yeah I know I realized it was a bad idea. Sorry about that post. I like this thread just the way it is