Minecraft Username: @SalsaWizard Brief Description: While melon farming, I get kicked from the server every minute or two. Instructions: 1. Just melon farm at normal speed How many times did you recreate this? Every time I melon farm. Sometimes it doesnt kick for 4-5 mins. Most of the time it only is 1-2 mins before being kicked. Result: I get kicked, with the anti-cheat prompt showing on the screen. Expected Result: I was not supposed to be kicked.. Evidence: N/A
In the future please provide your kick code (014) I have just been testing this for 15 minutes or so and have found a work around for the recent mining/farming issues. Will be live after next maintenance.
Melon farming, among other mining/farming issues related to Anti Cheat should now be resolved. For further issues, please make a new thread and include your kick code. @SalsaWizard let us know things are working well for you now