Wouldn't it just be a whole lot easier for Andrew to give you access to the files so you don't have you bug him every 2 weeks?
I personally would prefer to have no access to any of the server files for starters just in case something were to happen, The only easy way would be for me to have full access to /mctop all of the time and I fully understand why andrew has not allowed this. If you remember what happened last time andrew tried to bring mctop back to the server it crashed... just a few times, If i was to have access to the command and someone was to somehow manage to gain access to my account then they would virtually be able to spam the command potentially crashing the server with the command, which is exactly why andrew has not allowed this to be so. Its simply for security reasons and I fully agree with it.
Yes, something like this crossed my mind. But the server crashed because hundreds of users were looking at it. Would it really be possible for one account, spamming the command, to amount to the same amount of damage, and crash the server?
As net said it is very easily possible an has been done to a significant amount of other server that have the mcmmo leader boards publicly available.
I'm still rather confused. Why does this mctop cause such big problems? Isn't it just a bug that could be fixed?
No we haven't been forgotten about it, I just haven't been able to get a hold of andrew when we are both online for me to update it.
I want to see how many people I am up against in Power Level :|, Hopefully jakey can update this soon.