Name: Olympian Parents: Sprinting+jumping Perks: - Run with nothing in hand and you can right click to run faster with a boost - takes 300 seconds cool down - sprinting and jumping while sprinting increases olympian skill
Obsidian it works that the parent skills have to be already made like: fishing, mining, swords, acrobatics They have to be the parent skills and when they mix they create a child one like mining and woodcutting combine they make anvils better or something like that. Example: Parent 1 + Parent 2 = Mix of both/ Child Hope you understand
I'm not very sure if this would work but what about this.... Name: Looting or Greed Parents: Swords/ Archery/ Maybe Repair Perks: Increase chances of drop items form mobs ( Chances grow with the level) Exp from mobs increase when killing with a sword or bow. ( More chance for exp at a lower level then swords) Maybe a double drop for killing mobs ( level 300-500+) Less duration is taken when fighting? Hopefully this makes alittle sense
Name: Enchanting Parents: Mining, Swords, Acrobatics Perks: Increases the chances for a better enchantment while enchanting a book or armor. Chance to get 2 enchantments on a book in one enchant (level 300+) Chance to get 3 enchantments on a book in one enchant (level 900+) Chance increases by 0.5-1% every 50 levels from zero (depending on how high you want the max percent at 1000 levels) Chance to keep your experience levels after making an enchantment and (level 100+) 0.25% per 50 levels
I'm not sure if you can edit crafting recipes server side only, but: Name: Metamorphosis Parents: Woodcutting and Herbalism Perks: Transmute organic substances into other substances of a similar type Oak -> Jungle -> Birch -> Spruce logs/planks/saplings Melon -> Pumpkin -> Wheat seeds Red flowers/mushrooms -> Yellow flowers/mushrooms Chicken -> Pork -> Beef Coal -> Charcoal Et cetera One might also create a similar skill called Alchemy with parents of Mining and Herbalism which does similar things between minerals and potion ingredients.
Name: Hunter Parents: Swords and Archery Perks: ~ there is a chance that mobs will drop more food ( porkchops, raw steak, raw chicken, etc.) and mobs such as zombies and spiders will drop more rotten flesh and spider eyes. ~ Raw chicken, rotten flesh, and spider eyes will heal more of your food bar. ~ The higher the level of "Hunter" The less likely you will get poisoned from raw chicken rotten flesh and spider eyes.
Name: Fatty Parents: Puke (See earlier suggestion) and Acrobatics Perks: Bounce around the countryside on your belly! You take damage however. Squish tiny mobs with your huge mass! PUKE MOR STUFF
Name: <Name of Child Skill> Smacker Parents: <List of parent skills, separated by commas> Sword and Unarmed Perks: What your child skill does! You use a shovel like a sword! You can walk around "smacking" people with this. So, it is a shovel that replaces a sword in PvP!
Name: Assassin Parents: Acrobatics, Swords and (?)Unarmed Perks: This would be a simple suggestion, with a simple configuration, from the little I know from configuring. Assassin has a use for PvP. Like "Bleed" for the swords skill. Each time you jump and block hit you will initiate the perk "Assassination", which takes an instant amount of hearts. Level 100 Half a heart - Level 250 one heart - Level 500 one and a half heart - Level 750 two hearts - Level 1000 two and half hearts. Assassination has a one and a half minute cool down. Could only be used against User to User engagement. Not for Mobs.
Name: Bulldozer Parents: Mining, Excavation Perks: Destroys a small area instantly (grows lager when leveled up). Destroys a 5x5x5 area when used and increase it by one every 100 or so levels. Increases the amount of drops for ores.
Name: Lasso (Terrible but I couldn't think of what else to call it) Parents: Unarmed, and Fishing Perks: Allows players to throw fishing rods further, as well as being able to pull a mob/player more than once before they are released.
Name: Netsui Parents: Fishing, Acrobatics Perks: These perks are only for Netsui to use, and Netsui alone. It allows Netsui to be able to sell fish at $50. It also allows only Netsui to create a force field around himself. Netsui is also able to hold dual fishing rods to fish twice as fast. This would also allow Netsui to activate an ability to pull all fish located in nearby water into his inventory. Netsui is also able to craft fish armor, which is 500% stronger then diamond and has all the enchantments as star armor. There are probably hundreds more of abilities this ability would give to Netsui, but I cannot think of them all.
Name: Aqua Affinity - Hard Parents: Mining, Acrobatics Name: Aqua Affinity - Soft Parents: Excavation, Acrobatics Perks: Like the enchanted book, increases movement and mining/excavation underwater.
What sucks about something like this is that it would need to be toggled. What if you are mining a small house or something and it break 5x5x5 around you. It would be really bad if it couldn't be toggled. /mcmmo toggle bulldozer on/off Something along those lines and it would be good, *in my opinion*
Stealth Acrobatics and Unarmed Ability to climb floating vines (250+) while sneaking Invisibility potions do not show potion bubbles (100+) [Light Feet] (200+) Ability to be unseen by mobs if sneaking in light level 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ Hunting Taming and Acrobatics Increased maximum passive mob drops. Increased damage to passive mobs Chance to immobilize mobs upon hitting [Hunter's Gear] (200+) Full leather armour gives a 50% damage bonus