In Game Name: AbrustoHave you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions.Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: 85197How did you make the funds for this application: fishingWhich world will your town be placed in: RisingWhat will be the name of your new town: HedgehogsWhat is the size of your town: 200x200Post A: 2545:80:-4671 Post B: 2545:67:-4471Post C: 2345:80:-4471Post D: 2345:82:-4671Are there any towns within 15 blocks (This includes diagonally): Its my first townAdditional information about your town: DreanTownHave you read the server rules: Yes I have read the rules.Processing time is 1-7 days: I Understand.
Gratz on your upcoming promotion! Your first town on ECC is by far the most satisfying thing on the server! Have fun
@Abrusto please place a sign post at each corner where your new town will go. Label them with your town name and the letter of each town post (A,B,C,D).
New coordinates of the town: Name: Hedgehogs (200x200) Signs: A 2545/80/-4671 B 2545/67/-4471 C 2345/80/-4471 D 2345/82/-4671