I need to raise: $0 in order to rank up before I loose out on the opportunity. That said, I have the following blocks for sale: 81 stacks prismarine brick 192 stacks prismarine 54 stacks netherbrick block 405 stacks soul sand 459 stacks netherrack 108 stacks circle stone/chiseled stone brick 108 stacks cracked stone brick 135 stacks white clay 27 stacks green clay 81 stacks red clay 216 stacks brown clay 54 stacks cyan clay 10 stacks magenta clay 189 stacks orange clay 18 stacks yellow clay 15 stacks blue clay 270 stacks hard (unstained) clay 9 stacks clay FULL SET: Star Armor Player Heads (10k min offer) khrones xX3PICREBELXx SonnyCPretzel harryhaz1 pbrassat17 _TANSTAFFL KMaxwell's head - current cost: $250,000 Buy what you want, as much as you want. Make me an offer. This thread will be updated as I continue with block counts.
I'm going to keep my star tools, but I will sell the following 'special' items: FULL SET: SG Boss Armor FULL SET: Star Armor Also adding: Player Heads (10k min offer) SparklyPotato2 khrones jackaluss77 FreeChipotle xX3PICREBELXx SonnyCPretzel harryhaz1 pbrassat17 _TANSTAFFL jasoni12 semaprusp Enochsbud RoboticReaper
Make an offer. Since /sell is out the window I have no base asking price for any of the items I'm selling.
I have an offer of 232k for everything listed except the star armor. This gets me to my goal, but is lower than all of this collected loot is worth (even without /sell). I'm open to other offers as I have not yet made a final decision.
Well since the reset is coming there wont be a need for my shop unless I decide otherwise, however I was going to start a big build when the reset happens so I will create a list with all needed items and forward it to everyone who posted in the current one I have up
Thank you, but AdmiralD just beat you to it. I do thank you, though, for your generosity. Please note that all items, including my head, will remain for sale on Main (soon to be Archive). Blocks are not transferable to the other servers (which will include City once it gets here).