Jokes about dating 90 year old home-bound cake enthusiasts if you leave me not funny, noted for future reference.
Welp, there is room for a second floor in my soon-to-be cathedral, maybe we need an oootopia's match making services where I browbeat people into paying for lavish weddings in my cathedral?
+1 I have done a sin ECC. I have torn down the church in Emeraldville where many famous users were married. See? No one cares. Marriage is not needed.
Just to let you know, his has been suggested before. Can you guess what happened to it? Hint: It got instantly shot down.
Yep :* faces, crouching at one another, two beds next to one another and coming soon oootopia's Premier Plug In Free Wedding and Divorce Services to be held in my cathedral in Epicure. Coming soon when mendi has time. Our motto is "TRULUV 5EVER or if there is drama, enough ecd can squash it"
Here's the last time someone brought this up. Denied: 2012.