/ptime [reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] -or- /ptime @[time] (Changes your client side time. This will not effect the server time whatsoever and will be automatically reset everytime you log-off and log back in. By client side it means only you see this time and nobody else.) Every time*
/home (This will teleport you to your default home named "home" if you only have one. If you dont have any homes it will teleport you to your last bed location. Don't
(By holding a compass, everytime you left click you are basically using the /jumpto command. This is a great fast way to jump around and travel!) Every Time*
/ch ignore (player) (Use this command to ignore or unignore a player. If you dont provide a name while using this command, it will show your ignore list) Don't*
If you recieve a gray message that says "No one hears you" it means no one is around you within 400 blocks. Recieve* (also isn't the message yellow, or am I talking out of my butt butt)
/cpublic (Use this command then left click or punch a chest/door to make it a public chest/door. This means everyone can use it and no one can lock or protect it untill you remove the public stamp on it. Useful if you want to give away free gifts, for example, "Free wool at my front porch!" ) Until*
ex: /sell dirt -5 (This will sell every piece of dirt located in your inventory EXCEPT 5 OF THEM!) Usefull if you have alot of dirt forexample but only need 5 to place for example. Useful* A lot* For example*
ex: " /worth diamond 10 " Will show you how much 10 diamonds are worth even if you dont possess them. Don't*
The Ecocitycraft server lottery is a gambling system where participants purchase a ticket and the proceeds go into a collective pot. The winner of the lottery gets the combined total of all money put in, less a 10% lottery tax on tickets. Tickets cost $1000 EcoDollars, so every ticket put in the lottery yields a $900 return. A 2 ticket lottery would be an $1800 ECD pot, a 100 ticket lottery would be $90,000 ECD, etc. 15%* an $850* $1700* $85,000*
I'm aware of this, I've got that page partially redrafted and will be fixed within a week. Got other things on draft too. >.<
i know your redoing the F.A.Q section but just wanted to point out it says this Is PvP enabled? A. Only in arenas, the nether and the mining world.