I think /shout should be displayed network-wide instead of only on the main server. Why? Because right now global chat is network-wide and shout isn't. That defeats the purpose of using /shout, since half the server won't hear you. The point of shouting is to be heard by the entire server. No one wants to spend $1,000 and only be speaking to half the server. It doesn't make sense. To be honest, I think it's kind of silly when people are saying "No." to this, because it's listed in the wiki as being server-wide. That's because we were only one server back then! Of course it's listed as server-wide. This should be changed now that we have 2 servers. The real purpose of /shout is to broadcast a message to everyone, not half the server.
Question: Why should /shout affect servers on which you can't even access /shout? In my opinion /shout is a feature of the economy server because you need ECD to use it, therefore it should be limited to the server it's meant for. Actually, one of the main factors of using shout is/was probably the ability to use color codes before the Patron rank was introduced. Global chat won't reach everyone (due to /leave g), but neither will shouts (*Cough* Shoutignore macros *Cough*).