1. Michaelwm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Hello user of ecocitycraft! Today, you will be reading a tutorial of how to make money easy by mining. So, if your that lonely builder who wants resident status, or that leader that wants to create a town, then make sure to read this tutorial on how to make easy money!

    Table of contents

    [goto=Early Information]- Step #1: Early Information before Mining[/goto]
    [goto=Getting ready]-- Step #2: Getting ready to mine[/goto]
    [goto=Starting]--- Step #3: Starting your mining spree[/goto]
    [goto=Different types]---- Step #4: Different types of mining[/goto]
    [goto=During Mining]----- Step #5: During Mining/Cave exploring Procedures[/goto]

    Step #1: [anchor]Early Information[/anchor]Early Information before Mining

    Here is some information you should know before and during a mining session:

    - Use Iron tools!
    -- Lots of mistakes new miners make is to use stone tools. if you have iron at your disposal, dont be afraid to make an iron pick or shovel!

    - Find those dungeons!
    -- Items found in dungeons are some of the most expensive on the server, such as saddles. Mossy cobblestone is also a great money making material, and monster spawners have the potential to create an amazing mob trap. Just remember, to find dungeons, DO NOT EVER use mods of any kind. This includes X-Ray textures. Using these will just get you banned. Tips on finding dungeons will be made later in the tutorial

    - Dont sell all of your mined items!
    -- Lots of users require mined goods, and they will almost always pay higher then what the server (/sell) will offer. Iron and diamonds are in very high demand, and diamonds cant even be sold to the server! So keep atleast 50% of your mined goods after a mining spree!

    - Dont leave any stone unturned!
    -- HUGE, and I mean HUGE mistakes users make is to leave the iron and coal they find. Iron sells for an amazing price, and users are always looking for iron to purchase. Coal also sells fairly high, and torchs are a very usefull tool, and in high demand on the server.

    - Explored caves still have riches buried withen them!
    -- Just because a cave is explored, doesnt mean theres no ores left. Because of the mistake stated in the above tip, Lots of iron and coal is left inside caves. Another reason why you should keep exploring explored caves will be posted in the tip below, because most people dont know about the tip.

    - Dirt and Gravel are the doors to riches!
    -- Because of some unexplained reason (Or atleast I dont know xD) Dirt and gravel normally lead to a new cave. Try it out! Find a cave, then find some dirt. Dig it up and blam! 90% of the time you have a new cave or a pool of water or lava.

    - Lava + Admin Request = Money!
    -- Currently, our server offers the ability to delete lava, without turning it into obsidian! Under lava, you can normally find lots of ores like gold and diamond, redstone and iron, and even dirt and gravel! (read above tip)

    Step #2: [anchor]Getting ready[/anchor]Getting ready to mine

    Before mining, you need to prepare. Here a list you should follow before going on a mining spree

    - Ecocitycraft isnt on peaceful, so get ready for war!
    -- Monsters do spawn on the ecocitycraft server, so war may go on in the cave you explore next. Heres a list of things you need to prepare for the war between miner and mob!

    --- Torchs (To prevent mobs from spawning, thining enemy forces)
    --- Swords (Do you need a reason? xD)
    --- Armor (Both for the war and for regular mining. This can save your life when mining, from mobs, and from falling into lava or from a steep area)
    --- Building material (To create shelter for yourself)
    --- Chests (To store items incase you do die)

    - Less surface travel = More profit
    -- The less you travel to the surface, to more profit you make per hour. Most miners travel to the surface because their pick broke and they're out of diamond, or they ran out of torchs and they're out wood. There is always reasons to traveling to the surface, so remember to stock up on the items below to eliminate the need!

    --- Wood (Where have you ever found a tree underground? You need wood. Period. it makes almost everything you need to mine.)
    --- Tool Materials (Have your tools broke? Well you'll need materials to make them if you want to continue mining
    --- Saplings (Out of all your extra wood? Make an underground tree farm for an infinite amount of it!
    --- Dirt (You can commenly find it, but if you dont and you need to plant some saplings, stock up!)
    --- Workbench (What tools need a 3x3 crafting square? Ya, ALL OF THEM)
    --- Furnace (Smelt that iron you find into ingots, and make some tools!)

    Step #3: [anchor]Starting[/anchor]Starting your mining spree​

    When starting your mining spree, theres a few tips and tricks you should remember.

    - Mine in a protected town!
    -- Mining in a protected town saves ALOT of time and effort to eliminate some of the Step #2 Preperations. HOWEVER, Just because your mining in a town, doesnt mean you can skip this step entirely.Monsters, although they cant spawn in the town, can still enter it, so if the cave system your exploring extends out of the towns region, you can still encounter some mobs.

    - Mining 1x1 = FAIL!
    -- Dont ever mine 1x1. You could easily fall into a lava pool without knowing it, or into a cave filled with monsters. When mining, either make a staircase mine or create a 1x2 shaft. 1x2 are better because they are faster and allow space for a ladder and torch.

    Step #4: [anchor]Different types[/anchor]Different types of mining​

    When you mine, theres many different ways you can do it. Heres a quick run-down of the different shafts and mines:


    A shaft is the form of transport you use to get down to your mine

    Staircase Shaft

    A staircase shaft is a shaft that moves towords bedrock in a diagnol motion, much like a staircase

    Pros: Staircase shafts are some of the most effiecent types of shafts. They have a bigger chance of running into caves and ores, and are easy to light up. Its a good start for amature miners

    Cons: Staircase shafts are more time consuming then regular 1x2 shafts, and are hard to get back up to the surface (If you dont craft stairs)

    1x2 Simple Ladder Shafts

    1x2 Simple Ladder Shafts are vertical holes with a ladder on one side, and torchs on the other

    Pros: 1x2 Simple Shafts are the easiest and least time consuming shaft of all, and they are easy to get up.

    Cons: 1x2 Simple Shafts harness the least possible chance of hitting ore viens and caves.


    A mine is the area where you search for ores


    A quarry is a giant hole in the ground leading from ground level to bedrock.

    Pros: Quarrys serve the highest possible potential to find ores and caves. They normally have a ladder shaft leading down to them, making a fast route up.Once your mining is completed though, you have the ability to turn your dg out area into a great city!

    Cons: Quarrys are the most time-consuming form of mining, and doesnt profit well enough for the effort put into it, thus making it a bad mining choice. Most of the time spent "mining" is digging out stone.

    Underground Room

    Much like a quarry, except not from ground level.

    Pros: Underground rooms harness higher potential for ores then quarrys because your underground and the space you are digging is rich in them, unlike a quarrys ground level approach.

    Cons: Underground rooms, too like quarrys, have most of the mining you spend put into mining stone, thus making it too a bad mining choice.

    Branch Mine

    A mine taking place at around Y: 13, that has long tunnels that are about 3 apart

    Example: T= Tunnel S= Stone/wall

    T-S-S-T-S-S-T (thanks Moo, Ike and Strom for the info ;])

    Pros: The fastest and most effiecent mine out there. In ratio of Effort - Profit, it rates highest. Best type of mine

    Cons: Simply none, this is the best mine out there.

    [anchor]During Mining[/anchor]
    Step #5: During Mining/Cave exploring Procedures

    During mining, theres many different procedures you use to maximise profit

    Procedure: Finding Dungeons

    - Listen for a windy noise
    -- When mining, sometimes you will hear a windy noise. This noise signifys that there is a pocket of air withen 12 spaces of you. This can either be another cave, or hopefully, a dungeon!

    - Look under the sea!
    -- Dungeons can be spawned under water, and, if they do, they sometimes wont have roofs! That means you may see holes in the ocean floor, which almost surely will lead to a dungeon! So start your swiming lessons and go look underwater!

    - Follow those mineshafts!
    -- Abandoned Mineshafts normally lead to cave spider spawners and even dungeons! And they are also fairly commen! So make sure to follow
  2. kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    good tut +1

    BTW it is written as dungeon not dungoen
  3. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Good tutorial.

    But I have to say, caves are only found so much behind dirt and gravel because dirt and gravel come in big pockets, big enough that it only seems like you find them often because shovels dig dirt faster then a pick breaks stone, not because of world generation.
  4. Michaelwm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Actually, you are right. Not the
    but the
    The reason being is that When trying to mine from a cave into cave, stone is EVERYWHERE, and you dont know which way it'll connect. Sure, you could mine into another cave through stone, but dirt is almost always on 2 walls of caves.
  5. egkoston Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 3, 2011
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    We can ask for lava removal for our own mining purposes? o.o
  6. HeavensFallen Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 17, 2011
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  7. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Its a great tutorial mike :3

    One thing, though. Tunnel Mining, in my experience, is best done differently. Instead of:

    Example: T= Tunnel S= Stone/wall


    I have it where


    Having 3 Stone makes it so you quite possibly could be ignoring minerals inside that middle space. Having two stone makes it so that you always know what your mining through.
  8. Michaelwm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Not really
    Viens almost 100% of the time are 3 blocks long
    Meaning you will see them, and the T-S-S-S-T is the most effiecent way
  9. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    I don't think most people think of that...I was thinking the same as Ike until you put this up xD
  10. MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    I've missed tons of stuff by having three blocks between each tunnel. :/ Veins aren't only side to side... They go up and down, too. I find them doing that more than to the left or right. o.o
  11. dylnordstrom Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 15, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Agreed with Ike & Moo. I tunneled T-S-S-S-T in single player when I first started, and found out you miss alot of ore that way.

    Typically if I do branch mining I do this (this is the branch method, but multiple layers, I find alot by doing this):

    Plan view (AKA top-down)
    Light Brown = tunnel, Dark Grey = Stone/walls, Dark Brown = stair/ladder shaft
    The stair can be 3x3 to allow for a natural light shaft down center!

    Cross-Sectional view
    Light brown = stair/ladder shaft, Dark Grey = stone/floor/ceiling, light grey = wall behind section cut

    Hope all that makes sense

    Sometimes I make 3 wide hallways running N-S and E-W (from the stair/ladder shaft -> all other halls are 2 wide) to keep from getting lost and to keep everything nice and symmetric :) plus that allows for a nice places to build ladder shafts for quick/easy up-and-down into the mine
  12. antcubing Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Agreed. Use TSSTSST.