Denied [Main City Server Suggestion] Layered Rent System

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Bangpopfizz, Dec 9, 2018.

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  1. Bangpopfizz

    Bangpopfizz Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 13, 2016
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    Main City Server
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Layered Rent System
    What are you suggesting:
    I suggest we could make towns and cities more profitable by introducing a sort weekly/monthly rent system into the current region mechanics in the server. In addition to the rental system, there should be a system in-place to pay for each owner of the town.
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    I believe that creating a rental system maintained by a custom plugin would be a great addition to the server economy, it would provide a consistent source of income for mayors and would be an incentive for them to properly maintain and stylize their towns to accommodate and provide the most services for newer players. This system would also provide a further incentive for new players to keep coming back to the game once and a while to maintain the balance needed to keep their properties. The system would also help remove inactive members as members which are inactive would not be able to pay to maintain their rent, losing their rights in the town. this system would also create a more competitive and dynamic real-estate market in the server and would give more value to talented builders within the community.

    To how the system should be implemented. I have seen many other related economy servers use a kind of system where the owner can create multiple figurative rental categories (each with different payment plans per week) in their region, they would then assign their town members into those categories when they buy a piece of property in the town.

    For example, I am a mayor of a town and I have created multiple plots of land for new members. I rent out a plot to a new player by placing his name into one of the rental categories, he then gets a message in which he has to confirm that the system will automatically remove $--- every week from his account. It will also remind the player that if he ever wishes to discontinue the rental program, he can simply cancel it, but it will lead to him no longer becoming a member of the town. I could also completely sell a plot of land/ apartment to a player indefinitely by assigning the player in a category with a $0 rental plan, so the old system of payment is still intact.

    Overall i think this would be a good addition into the server as it provides another choice for players to earn money and to better reflect the real-life economics of the world we live in.
    Other information:
    When i was mayor, i found out how much maintenance and care is needed to be taken to stop your town from becoming a garbage dump, the amount of money I got from new players paying once for an apartment or a plot of land was meager and definitely not enough to persuade me and most other new mayors from actually maintaining the beautiful towns we made, most turning into the previously-said garbage dumps. Mine was abandoned by many new players and I eventually sold my town for a 400k lump sum (don't worry, I lost all of it from gambling).

    I understand most people i know that maintain and buy towns for long periods of time are normally more interested in the community-building aspect of making a town, but i think it would be better if people were truly able to earn back and profit from the constant and demanding investment of making a town for the betterment of both the experience of the mayor swell as the residents in question.

    (I'm not very keen about the server's region commands, but i do think there is a rental system hidden somewhere in it but i think it needs to be further developed and promoted)
    Plugin or custom addition:
    something similar to this:, though i hope if you were to make a custom version you could make it more customization by the players themselves (less templates)
    One suggestion per form:
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  2. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    You’re asking us to rewrite the core of our town system, spending hundreds if not thousands of USD to introduce an entirely new main server game mode.

    Yeah, won’t be considered until there’s at least 300-500 users online, if that’ll ever even happen lol xD and if there’s even actual demand for it at that time.

    All in all though, this is literally a whole new town game mode, and will be nothing but confusion for new players, getting added, getting removed for no money, getting their things taken, quitting the server over it, etc. Just one of dozens beyond dozens of issues I can already see with it.

    I’m very happy with what we have. Been online for 8 years, why change something that isn’t broken.
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    #2 andrewkm, Dec 9, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
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