Denied [Main City Server Suggestion] Ability to turn on all trails at once

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Videowiz92, Dec 31, 2018.

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  1. Videowiz92

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ ECC Benefactor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ X ⭐⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jan 30, 2012
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    Main City Server
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Ability to turn on all trails at once
    What are you suggesting:
    To have the ability to toggle all available trails at once - either through a command or in the /trails menu. The command could be /trail all or in the /trails menu there could be a green block next to the redstone block that disables all trails.
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    It's more for convenience to type out one command or click one item rather than having to type/click through all 39 different trail types.
    Other information:

    Plugin or custom addition:

    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
  2. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Hell no.
    Not a chance in hell I'll ever get our developer to do this, even though it would be easy.
    You should see some of the people who have all trails, and the insane spam they cause. Nope.
    If ya wanna spam, you gotta activate them one by one. Legit denying this because I get a seizure every time I see someone activate every trail lol.
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