I recently have been inactive on ECC, and for reasons I will most likely continue being relatively inactive.
But as many of the older players will know I used to make many macros. Most of them were bug ridden and boring but some of them really helped me and so I feel that I should release them to everyone.
Macro mod 1.7.4 beta is out so you can download it from: http://eq2.co.uk/minecraft/mods/mod_macros_0.10.02_beta1_for_1.7.2.litemod
Along with liteloader: http://dl.liteloader.com/redist/1.7.2/liteloader-installer-1.7.2-04.exe
For more detailed instructions go to: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/467504-172-macro-keybind-mod-01002-beta-release/
Anyway the macros that I am going to give you worked with either very few minor bugs for no bugs at all from when I used them. Sadly many are broken badly due to the new update and I see no point in release them, but if someone wants to take them and fix them just forum pm me.
The macros that I have put in the tutorial section, I will link here. These that I show you should not be hard to install for someone with fairly good knowledge of macro mod. Hopefully those who don't know what to do can find help, as currently I do not have much time on my hands.
1. Balance Log - Logs the most recent 10 transactions between the server, other players and trade signs. To display the transactions type "!trans recent" into local chat. It also displays the time of transaction based on your computer time. It won't work properly until you have done 10 transactions. Please not it cannot be used as evidence in ban appeals/complaints.
To install put "$$<filename.txt>" into the onChat event.
2. Timer - Credit goes to jakeyray18 fully - Set the amount of time you want and it will count down from that amount. Includes many inchat commands to help use it. Begin with "!timer help" to get started with using it.Code:$${ STRIP(&chat,%CHAT%) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been taken from your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{#dollartaken,¢staken}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollartaken%.%¢staken% has been taken from your account.) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollartaken%.%¢staken% has been taken from your account.) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been taken from your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+),{#dollartaken}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%&dollartaken% has been taken from your account.) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollartaken% has been taken from your account.) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been added to your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.(\d\d),{#dollaradded,¢sadded}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollaradded%.%¢sadded% has been added to your account.) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollaradded%.%¢sadded% has been added to your account.) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been added to your account\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+),{#dollaradded}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollaradded% has been added to your account.) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollaradded% has been added to your account.) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been sent to (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.(\d\d) has been sent to ((.*)),{#dollartaken,¢staken,&playername}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollartaken%.%¢staken% has been sent to %&playername%) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollartaken%.%¢staken% has been sent to %&playername%) ENDIF ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been sent to (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+) has been sent to ((.*)),{#dollartaken,&playername}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollartaken% has been sent to %&playername%) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollartaken% has been sent to %&playername%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+\.\d\d has been received from (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+)\.(\d\d) has been received from ((.*)),{#dollaradded,¢sadded,&playername}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollaradded%.%¢sadded% has been received from %&playername%) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollaradded%.%¢sadded% has been received from %&playername%) ENDIF ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\$[0-9]+ has been received from (.*)\.) MATCH(%&chat%,\$([0-9]+) has been received from ((.*)),{#dollaradded,&playername}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: $%#dollaradded% has been received from %&playername%) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: $%#dollaradded% has been received from %&playername%) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\[LOTTERY\] You got (.*) for \$(.*)) MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] You got (.*) for \$((.*)),{&fill,#lotamount}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: You bought $%#lotamount% worth of lotto tickets.) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: You bought $%#lotamount% worth of lotto tickets.) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Congratulations go to %PLAYER% for winning \$(.*) with .*) MATCH(%&chat%,\[LOTTERY\] Congratulations go to %PLAYER% for winning \$((.*)) with (.*),{#winamount,&fill}) LOGTO("trans-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: You won lotto and received $%#winamount%.) PUSH(&recenttrans,%TIME%: You won lotto and received $%#winamount%.) ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !trans recent) ARRAYSIZE(&recenttrans,#recentsize) #recentsize1 = #recentsize - 1 LOG(&41.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize1%]%) #recentsize2 = #recentsize - 2 LOG(&42.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize2%]%) #recentsize3 = #recentsize - 3 LOG(&43.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize3%]%) #recentsize4 = #recentsize - 4 LOG(&44.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize4%]%) #recentsize5 = #recentsize - 5 LOG(&45.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize5%]%) #recentsize6 = #recentsize - 6 LOG(&46.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize6%]%) #recentsize7 = #recentsize - 7 LOG(&47.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize7%]%) #recentsize8 = #recentsize - 8 LOG(&48.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize8%]%) #recentsize9 = #recentsize - 9 LOG(&49.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize9%]%) #recentsize10 = #recentsize - 10 LOG(&410.&f%&recenttrans[%#recentsize10%]%) ENDIF }$$
To install put the code into the onChat event. Create a label on your ingame screen with "timer" as your control name and binding. The macro will do the rest.
3. Lottery macro - I have a much better version I was working on along with videowiz that I will make a tutorial to when I find the time as it is not as simple as the others. The basic version along with a tutorial can be found here: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/55913Code:$${ STRIP(&chat,%CHAT%) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer set [0-9]+[s|m|h]) IF(counting) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f You need to stop the timer before executing this command again.") ELSE MATCH(%&chat%,%PLAYER%:(.*)!timer set (.*),{&fill,&timerdetails}) IFMATCHES(%&timerdetails%,[0-9]+s) MATCH(%&timerdetails%,([0-9]+)s,{#seconds}) ELSE #seconds = 0 ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&timerdetails%,[0-9]+m) MATCH(%&timerdetails%,([0-9]+)m,{#minutes}) ELSE #minutes = 0 ENDIF IFMATCHES(%&timerdetails%,[0-9]+h) MATCH(%&timerdetails%,([0-9]+)h,{#hours}) ELSE #hours = 0 ENDIF IF(#seconds < 10) SET(&seconds,"0%#seconds%") ELSEIF(#seconds > 59) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f Seconds must be less than 60") STOP() ELSE SET(&seconds,"%#seconds%") ENDIF IF(#minutes < 10) SET(&minutes,"0%#minutes%") ELSEIF(#minutes > 60) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f Minutes must be less than 60") STOP ELSE SET(&minutes,"%#minutes%") ENDIF IF(#hours < 10) SET(&hours,"0%#hours%") ELSEIF(#hours > 24) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f Come on, the server doesn't even stay up that long") ELSE SET(&hours,"%#hours%") ENDIF SET(timerset) SETLABEL(timer,Timer: %&hours%:%&minutes%:%&seconds%,timer) ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer start) IF(counting) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f You need to pause or stop the timer before executing this command again.") ELSE IF(resumed) #seconds = #pauseseconds #minutes = #pauseminutes #hours = #pausehours UNSET(resumed) ENDif ELSE IF(#seconds = 0) IF(#minutes = 0) IF(#hours = 0) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f You need to set a time first.") ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF(timerset) DO() UNSET(stopped) SET(counting) UNSET(paused) #seconds = #seconds - 1 IF(#seconds < 0) IF(#minutes > 0) #minutes = #minutes - 1 #seconds = 59 ELSEIF(#minutes = 0 && #hours > 0) #hours = #hours - 1 #minutes = 59 #seconds = 60 ENDIF ENDIF IF(#hours = 0) IF(#minutes = 0) IF(#seconds < 1) LOG("&4[TIMER] &fTimer ended") UNSET(timer) UNSET(counting) SETLABEL(timer, Timer: 00:00:00,timer) STOP() ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF(#seconds < 10) SET(&seconds,"0%#seconds%") ELSE SET(&seconds,"%#seconds%") ENDIF IF(#minutes < 10) SET(&minutes,"0%#minutes%") ELSE SET(&minutes,"%#minutes%") ENDIF IF(#hours < 10) SET(&hours,"0%#hours%") ELSE SET(&hours,"%#hours%") ENDIF SETLABEL(timer,Timer: %&hours%:%&minutes%:%&seconds%,timer) WAIT(1) LOOP() ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer stop) IF(stopped) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f The timer is already stopped") ELSE UNSET(timerset) UNSET(counting) UNSET(resumed) SET(stopped) SETLABEL(timer,Timer: 00:00:00,timer) #seconds = 0 #minutes = 0 #hours = 0 SET(paused) STOP() ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer hide) IF(counting) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f You must pause or stop the timer before executing this command.") ELSE SET(hidden) UNSET(timer) IF(#seconds < 10) SET(&remseconds,"0%#seconds%") #remseconds = #seconds ELSE SET(&remseconds,"%#seconds%") #remseconds = #seconds ENDIF IF(#minutes < 10) SET(&remminutes,"0%#minutes%") ELSE SET(&remminutes,"%#minutes%") ENDIF IF(#hours < 10) SET(&remhours,"0%#hours%") ELSE SET(&remhours,"%#hours%") ENDIF SETLABEL(timer,"",timer) STOP() ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer show) IF(hidden) UNSET(hidden) SETLABEL(timer,Timer: %&remhours%:%&remminutes%:%&seconds%,timer) #seconds = #remseconds #minutes = #remminutes #hours = #remhours ELSE LOG("&4[TIMER]&f Timer is not hidden") ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer pause) IF(paused) LOG("&4[TIMER]&f Timer is already stopped.") ELSE #pauseseconds = #seconds #pauseminutes = #minutes #pausehours = #hours UNSET(counting) SET(resumed) SET(paused) STOP() ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer help) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer help set) LOG("&6The timer must always be set using the correct format or it will not work,") LOG("&6To set the timer using the correct for mat you must set it using,") LOG("&6!timer set <[{amount of hours}h] [{amount of minutes}m] [{amount of seconds}s]") LOG("&6otherwise the timer will not functions correctly. Both seconds and minutes must") LOG("&6have a value of less than 60 and the hours must be less than 24.") LOG("&6If I wanted to set the timer to count from 1 hour and 35 minutes and 45 seconds") LOG("&6I would set it using "!timer set 1h 35m 45s".") ELSE LOG(" &6[TIMER HELP]") LOG("&6<Chat Command>:&f<Brief description>") LOG("&6!timer help:&f Displays these helpful commands.") LOG("&6!timer set <time>:&f Sets the time to count down from.") LOG("&6!timer pause:&f Pauses the count down timer.") LOG("&6!timer hide:&f Turns off the timer display, Timer must be stopped to function correctly.") LOG("&6!timer show:&f Displays timer if it is hidden.") LOG("&6!timer stop:&f Stops the count down and sets the timer to 0.") LOG("&6!timer start:&f Starts the timer (Obviously).") LOG("&6!timer help set:&f For details on setting the time with the correct format.") LOG("&c#NOTE: ALL COMMANDS MUST BE ISSUED IN LOCAL CHAT OR THEY WILL NOT WORK!") ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[L\](.*)%PLAYER%: !timer clear) SETLABEL(timer,Timer: 00:00:00,timer) #seconds = 0 #minutes = 0 #hours = 0 ENDIF ENDIF }$$
The more complicated one includes the last winner, last pot, current pot amount, a timer until the next draw. The timer is slightly off but can be corrected using /lot and will auto correct when people buy tickets near the time of the draw. The pot amount sometimes stupidly messes up, if someone wants to find the bug feel free.
If you don't want to wait/hope for a tutorial to be made I will try to explain what to do to install it in a brief manner.
Put "$${ECHO(/lot);EXEC(timer.txt,timer);EXEC(lottoloop.txt,lottoloop)}$$" in the onJoinGame event. And put Lottery.txt in the onChat event. Finally add a label to your ingame gui and put "lot" as control name and binding. Then you are all set.
lottoloop.txtCode:$${ IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Congratulations go to (.*) for winning \$[0-9]+ with [0-9]+ tickets\.); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Congratulations go to (.*) for winning \$([0-9]+) with ([0-9]+) tickets\.,{@&winner,@#lotwin,#wintix}); @#pot=0; STOP(timer); @#seccount=0; @#mincount=15; EXEC(timer.txt,timer); SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Draw in: [0-9]+ seconds?); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Draw in: ([0-9]+) seconds?,{#countsec}); @#mincount=0; @#seccount=#countsec; ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Draw in: [0-9]+ minutes?\, and [0-9]+ seconds?); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Draw in: ([0-9]+) minutes?\, and ([0-9]+) seconds?,{#countmin,#countsec}); @#mincount=#countmin; @#seccount=#countsec; ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] (.*) just bought [0-9]+ tickets?); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] (.*) just bought ([0-9]+) tickets?,{&username,#tickets}); #amount=#tickets*850; @#pot=@#pot+#amount; SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] (.*) just bought [0-9]+ tickets?! Draw in [0-9]+m [0-9]+s); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] (.*) just bought [0-9]+ tickets?! Draw in ([0-9]+)m ([0-9]+)s,{&username,#countmin,#countsec}); #amount=#tickets*850; @#pot=@#pot+#amount; @#mincount=#countmin; @#seccount=#countsec; SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] (.*) just bought [0-9]+ tickets?! Draw in [0-9]+s); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] (.*) just bought ([0-9]+) tickets?! Draw in ([0-9]+)s,{&username,#tickets,#countsec}); #amount=#tickets*850; @#pot=@#pot+#amount; @#mincount=0; @#seccount=#countsec; SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Last winner: (.*) \$[0-9]+); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] Last winner: (.*) \$([0-9]+),{@&winner,@#lotwin}); SETLABEL(lotpot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fTime: %@#minutes%m %@#seconds%s ,lotpot); ENDIF; IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] There is currently \$[0-9]+ in the pot\.); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[LOTTERY\] There is currently \$([0-9]+) in the pot\.,{@#pot}); SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); ENDIF; }$$
timer.txtCode:$${ DO; SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); WAIT(10t) LOOP; }$$
4. Chat Channel display - It needs updating, the thread as well as the macro but if you want to check it out: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/macromod-chat-channel-display.54815/#post-310105Code:$${ DO; WAIT(19t); IF(%@#seccount%=0); INC(@#seccount,60); DEC(@#mincount); ENDIF; DEC(@#seccount); IF(%@#mincount%=0); IF(%@#seccount%=0); STOP(timer); ENDIF; ENDIF; SETLABEL(lot,Last Winner: &5%@&winner%\n&fLast Pot: &2$%@#lotwin%\n&fPot: &a$%@#pot%\n&fDraw in: &b%@#mincount%min &b%@#seccount%sec,lot); LOOP; }$$
5. Automatically unlocks passworded doors - If you have a set of doors or a certain door with a password, that you constantly have to enter you can use this macro. It will unlock all doors with a certain password and if the door has a different password you can enter it manually. It also works with chests.
To use simply put the macro into the onChat event. Replace the text in the code stating "EnterYourPasswordHere" with the password you want to use. Then just right click the door/chest and wait for it to do its job.
6. Sneaker - Toggle sneaking saving you having to hold down the sneak key for long periods when wanting to remain hidden.Code:$${ STRIP(&chat,%CHAT%) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,Type /cunlock <password> to unlock it) LOG(Password locked block sensed) ECHO(/cunlock EnterYourPasswordHere) WAIT(50ms) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,Password accepted) LOG(Unlocked) ENDIF ENDIF }$$
To use simple bind the macro to a key.
7. Balance Display Macro - Again thanks to jakeyray18, the tutorial can be found here: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/macromod-updated-balance-display-macro.53376/Code:$${ Toggle(sneak); If(sneak); DO; KEYDOWN(sneak); LOOP(); Else; KEYUP(sneak) STOP(); Endif; }$$
I have many other macros to add and when I get time I will add them. I hope you find them useful. Don't forget to thank jakeyray for his timer macro. I have deliberately left out McMMO macros simply because a few of them can be easily adapted to give you an unfair advantage in pvp as well as to farm exp.
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rockboy2000 MayorMayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
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- Oct 19, 2012
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- +310
JokerBoss99 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
You are the savior of my day good sir. I've missed my macros dearly and have slacked with checking up on this mod.
Agree x 1 - List
I can't seem to get the 1.7.4 version. All I'm getting is the 1.7.2 and that is not compatible with my optifine.
alpert3925 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
ScoobieBoy BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
This is the link on Mumfrey's forum post ( minecraft forum ), it is a direct download link so should work, it worked for me, u then need to move this file into ur mods folder.
http://eq2.co.uk/minecraft/mods/mod_macros_0.10.02_beta1_for_1.7.2.litemod -
alpert3925 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
GungnirIncarnate BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade
That timer macro was a right pain to get working as it should :p, also if you use make sure to set the background of the label to transparent or the hide commands will not work correctly.
Also thanks for the tag rockboy, I won't impose too much here but I would like to link on of my favorite macros I wrote which is the balance display one. You can find a link to the tutorial here:
Also with the link to the chat channel display provided above by rockboy, if you use party chat alot it may be handy for you to scroll down the page a little and grab an edited version of the script designed specifically to notify you if you are in party chat or not and will even change back to the channel you were in before entering party chat when you leave it.
~Jakey -
GungnirIncarnate BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade
Also if you guys are thinking of a macro that you want, chances are one of us have already posted a tutorial for it in the tutorials section here on the forum so just head over there and browse through there.
alpert3925 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
rockboy2000 How do i toggle the sneak macro?
Would someone mind posting a tutorial on how to properly install this? Everything that I have tried has failed.
ScoobieBoy BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
1) download both the latest mod and the latest litemod.
2) Install litemod ( enabling optifine if u like )
3) Move the mod into ur mods folder
4) Start MC
5) Choose the correct profile, proably the litemod 1.7.2
6) Enjoy ;) -
GungnirIncarnate BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade
If you are using other mods in conjunction you will need to install the 1.7.2 version of those also. -
I've got liteloader to install properly, however it is not recognizing the macro_mod.litemod in my mods folder. Any ideas?
alpert3925 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
alpert3925 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
It is installed correctly. I've checked and double checked that. It will recognize the gammabrite mod that is in the mods folder, but it will not recognize the macromod one. I've downloaded, and redownloaded the macromod file and that has not helped.
ScoobieBoy BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
make sure the mod file has the correct file ending ( .litemod )
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