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  1. mxguy19

    mxguy19 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Was there a lwc fail/reset yesterday or today that i was not aware of, Because me and Supernova215's chest have gotten diamonds and lots of steak stolen out of them. And we would like a roll back because we don't think that it is fair that we should have items stolen out of our chest because of a lwc failure/reset on the server even though it's in the wild it's still not fair.
    cords: My chest Supernova215's chest
    X: 2556 X:2563
    Y: 86 Y:88
    Z: 2639 Z:2633

    So a roll back would be nice :).
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