we could use a leveling up system type thing in the nether like you can still buy the warrior group or terminator, but instead the more people you kill mobs killed and stuff you can level up and get new abilities and stuff, all based on a xp system.
The adventure update and the adventure mode are two completely different things. the adventure update is going to be on every SSP and SMP world. So, if Andy leaves it on, we will have experience and leveling... sadly.
I think leveling up is a great idea, it rewards players for the time they put into a task, allowing more specialization in a certain field, such as mining. In my opinion, players who spend more time mining should have an advantage over players who don't, the same goes with farming, fighting, etc. Why should someone who spends 3hrs a day mining have the same chances of getting ore as someone who spends 1hr a day? The server could then have expert miners, farmers, etc. who would take more powerful roles in the communities. They could take on apprentices to help them level up quicker, the possibilities of leveling are endless.
Im afraid that is total pish... No ones chances are at a certain 'level' when mining. Its luck of the draw, just cause you mine an hour one day and get loads, doesnt mean the next hour will be the same. The more your down there, the more likely you are to get ores, fact. Same as reeds, the more time you spend harvesting, the more money you get, fact As michael said, level up in money really, as everything is sellable, except diamond =3
I didn't mean the chances of actually finding ore, but obtaining it in general. For example...at level 10 in mining there could be a 50% chance you will get a double drop. This makes it so that people who spend more time mining to reach level 10 will then be rewarded by having greater chances of obtaining ore then people at lower levels, who don't spend as much time mining. Leveling also won't take away from the economy of the server. If anything, it will add depth to it, people at higher levels will be able to get more materials and thus more money, making it so that people will want to level up at what they enjoy, so they will get more materials and as a result get richer. I personally think it's a great idea, and I can't wait for Notch to throw it in the game.