What is your username? Grahamster00 Are you a Mayor? Yes If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? No If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? N/A What would you bring to our organization? Powerful leadership skills, a heavy teamspeak presence, and a 200x200 farm with a first floor portal. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I am an old member with lots of experience, experience that can lead us to a powerful faction at the top of the ranks (metaphorically). All of us combined can make a group with more control than any of the other ranks. What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your username? subxplorer Are you a Mayor? Yes! If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? No, never! If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? NA What would you bring to our organization? Well, "someone" has to remain faithful to the rank of Mayor. Then of course there is also my Awesomeness. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I bring a lot of experience as I have been a Mayor for 2 years, 9 months and 16 days...can anyone else claim to have that much experience as a Mayor? What is your favorite color? "Mayor Green" of course!
Going to disqualify you due to your recent ban. Sorry, but I'm afraid that I am going to pick someone more sooner than later, probably before you do get unbanned.
Also- I'm cutting the competition just a bit short. Once I recieve $275,000 from @Kieran_Billo as part of a loan, I will be ending the competition and deciding a winner. This leaves 6-12 hours or so for anyone to apply! Good luck!
What is your username? xXxBillClintonxXx Are you a Mayor? ya If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? N/A If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? Yes What would you bring to our organization? skilz and experience Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? Because I have experience leading the United States from 1993 to 2001 What is your favorite color? orange
What is your username? xXNetherXx Are you a Mayor? Would I be filling this out if i weren't a mayor? If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? No! Nevar! If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? N/A What would you bring to our organization? Uhh...A few good laughs...Idk honestly. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I think I started the whole "#mayor4lyfe" thing What is your favorite color? Black...But green is cool too...
@EMD3000 - I just don't see your funding as being enough, given that you were a Resident for most of your time, and only got Mayor since someone bought your Mayor town. Welcome to the team though @yep1234 - I have chosen you as the creative consultant in the new group structure. Congratulations! @DaNuclearMuffin - I like your enthusiasm, but this isn't for "trying out". I'm happy to welcome you to the organization, and hope that you can become a leader in the future! I also would love to see how your ability to build impacts the group- maybe you could make an HQ somewhere? @AlkanGains- putting you in charge of events for the new group structure. Congratulations! @RaginDevonian - You are a strong mayor, and certainly worthy of leadership. However, I am not going to give it to you directly, as I feel that your application was lacking a bit. Welcome to the organization though @grahamster00 - I have chosen you to be the relations person in the new group structure. Congratulations! @subxplorer - Due to your experience, I am placing you in the executive role in the new group structure. Congratulations! @xXBillClintonXx - Sorry, I just don't see nearly enough effort to prove that you will be able to lead this organization effectively. Welcome to the group though @xXNetherXx - Like RaginDevonian, you are a strong mayor- however, I don't see enough effort to place you into a leadership position. Welcome to the team, however! Anyone who didn't get their applications in- there is still time. But not a lot.
Seeing as though my President application is in, I'll ask for this to be locked. Thanks to all for applying!