I realized that with the removal/disappearance of MonsterHunt, there is no hunting plugin. There could still be night, but I think we could use this plugin, and maybe ask the devs if they can make it competitive. Anyways. MobArena is a PvE (Player vs Enemy) glatiator/arena plugin. You fight endless waves of enemies! There's customizable classes, costomizable enemies, and customizable rewards! Here's the link: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-mobarena-v0-94-3-11-become-a-mob-fighting-gladiator-1240.19144/
Hope you consider! If not adding, I will try to find a type of MonsterHunt plugin.
Gummy :D
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I'm actually glad there is no plugin that lets you gain from fighting... I think monster hunt was partly taken out because it wasn't used, and got too much diamonds/money/something into the economy via spending five minutes of fighting. Not positive, though.
This is an economy server, not a PvP, PvE, or any other form for combat/vs/fighting server.
And unless MobArena has been seriously updated, it would only cause lag, issues, and have lots of bugs... And probably be incompatible. ._. I have tried it before, highly enjoyed playing it with friends, but it would cause problems. -
Mob Arena is an EXTREME LAG MAKER,
Andrew, I have made a few severs that i will not mention that have used MA one had 64GB OF RAM AND IT LAGGED INSANELY -
DarkenMoon97 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️
I have a server with 1GB of ram and IT RUNS JUST FINE!