Casino News. We got our Casino Chat app!
Casino News. We will be opening Casino pt2 soon! the plan date is March 1st. We have many Staff members with awesome game plans!, People who made games or, gave me ideas for me will be entered to a Lucky promotion drawing! winner gets $10k, And a level 3 promotion, which means if your staff and you win you would win Foreman!.
Craw4d4 please make your appeal. IGN: What did you do to get your self banned?: Which rule did you break?: will you do this again?: One of our Owners Will look at this, it will take 1-7 days for your appeal to be looked at do you understand?:
Staff News. The casino rank [Casino Helpers] is getting removed if you are a helper please contact me. The rank helper is getting removed because We don't get alot of helpers and they mostly do notting. So all Helper ranks is getting removed.
Rank News. We have a new Rank for LapkingsGrandCasino its a rank called [Casino Demo-Staff] its when a staff gets demoted and the staff can only run 1 game! 1 game only.
Staff news. Casino will be Making staff applications or will be thinking about all of the Casino Co-Owners/Owner2 will be looking at this and agreeing with is or disagreeing with it, i say we do it and i need Gernen, TJanicki, Dude6688, lapkingkn. please post what you think about this.
I agree because then people will understand the Casino rules, agreements. they should make a staff application with proper formating. since our Casino staff is growing i say we need to make sure they all need to read the rules/agreeing with them and understanding punishments and Making sure they are fair with gamblers.
Lucky Casino pt2 Prize!. there are the people who are in the Drawing right now. only 1 name will come out and the winner will get $10k, level promotion. weedaddymatthew,roostermc22,Blockboy924,Fleetfooter 2 games,Animeboy26,steakandbone no longer staff will be able to enter for $10k prize.,Superwaffles01. Good luck to all Staff members!
fbrassat,Animeboy26,Fleetfooter,monu33,Logan173,cairbair_is_bossBuilt2Win99,roostermc22,Craw4d4,RoseDust27,Bad_Boy1_3,MaretMonster,TMGLimitlessSkunkFandoms,lexi731rocs,rebeljustin,autumn18chance9,VolcanicNuke,RJ0026,weedaddymatthew,donut5777,Zach_Attack252,Blockboy924,eddy3948,ethloboy All staff members of LapkingsGrandCasino If you have been off for over 20 days or more you will be removed and if you didn't buy "Staff" the rank you will be removed. if you are still using the Casino or work here please post something on here to show me your active or mail/pm in game. People who does hard work gets to stay here with the staff team. if you have any questions please mail one of our owners
I am still working, lapkingkn , & Logan173 is my brother & won't be on for a few days be he said that he would love to keep the job!