Minecraft Username: Mustacher
Brief Description: Bad lag and freezing in one certain area
Instructions: At and around coordinates 1736,99,-7428 the server is very laggy and will cause the game to freeze. At some points the freeze is so long the will cause server to time out and boot you out.
How many times did you recreate this bug?: Constantly whenever in effect chunk, over the last 3 days
Result: Also several other town member are having similar issues in same area.
Expected Result: Less lag, no freezing
Evidence: Last night I asked a super mod, xixheadcasexix, for help. He was also getting bad lag and suggested it might be a lighting issue. He told us to place blocks to have lighting updated. After trying his suggestion and also placing some trees to really update lighting, it had no effect.
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I get no lag there...
You seem to have fence all over nearby, and a couple farms. Fence can cause a fair amount of lag, even if you aren't right by them. Large farms can cause lag, too, but those farms are small... I checked underground, and there is nothing that should cause lag.
...however, you do have a very brightly glowing, tall farm building nearby. o.o
My FPS is most places is about 65-90. In that exact co-ord spot, I get 50. If I move 10-30 blocks towards all the fence and tall farm, I drop to almost 20 FPS. I know FPS isn't the same kind of lag, but if your FPS gets really low, you may still disconnect or lag really bad.
Since I don't "lag" there, I don't know what to tell you. :/ -
vdubmastertech BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
Its not necessarily lag but the game freezing for up to 20 seconds, only in that chunk. Headcase and Mardigan both duplicated it.
I didn't know about the fence causing lag though, thanks for that info moofink. We might have to change all of that fence to something else.
If there's not anything that can easily be done then we will just deal with it. Just didn't know if there was something someone was aware of that could fix the freezing issue. Its just weird that it only happens in that one chunk. -
I dunno. I think Kuke tried TPing to that spot, and his game lagged out.. His computer sucks, though. That chunk might just be funky and lag people or freeze them if they have bad internet and/or computer. My computer is just over a year old, and we have amazing Internet speeds... Might be why nothing happens to me. :/ My computer isn't fancy, though, and just average.
Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐
Tp'd there, no lag for me, no frame rate drop either, o-o
Well i guess thats the nail in the coffin. It must be a hardware issue. Mattsirbait, vdubmastertech, deathjumperz, Mardigan_The_Mad, IxIHeadcaseIxI and I must have old, antiquated computers. I was thinking it was time for an upgrade anyways!
It could still be internet speed. o: I know Headcase's internet speed isn't amazing, but I don't know about the rest of you.
There could be a general chunk problem that only bothers some users; I remember months ago some places had funky chunks. They effected the majority of users, but some didn't really have any problems. Hard to tell what could be wrong, since Minecraft is a funny thing and has odd moments. :/ -
I was thinking it might be a bad chuck or 2. The live map updates in the same area kinda strange too. i wouldn't bee to concerned with it anymore. It is what it is!
btw my internet is 30 over 10