Minecraft Username: spocklin Brief Description: While mining with either superbreaker or an eff5 pickaxe you will see a noticeable drop in frame rate and you will half of the time be able to see ores that are not actually there. When you do see these not even real ores then you will experience much higher drops in FPS. It is essentially like drilling through molasses. Instructions: 1. get an eff5 pickaxe 2. Go to the mining world 3. Head down to y12 and start mining really fast How many times did you recreate this: Every single time I go mining this will happen Result: Lag when you see ore blocks that are not actually there. Expected Result: Maybe some drop in frame rates while mining and definitely no seeing ores that are not actually there. Evidence: I do not have a clipped video but I have been mining on multiple of my ECC live streams and the videos are all available here => https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/youtube.167740/page-7 I can try to provide a much shorter video when I do have the time to make such a video specific for this.
I cannot reproduce this, it is likely a hardware limitation / and or latency problem on your end @spocklin. What sort of computer are you running MC on? I just using the efficiency 5 pickaxe + superbreaker on it and am not seeing any lag / invisible blocks.
i have 12gb of ram, i do believe 8 of which is dedicated to minecraft, an i-5 4460, 3.2ghz. I will note that I do not have this issue on any other server or in singleplayer. I did ask some staff members and they said it was likely anti-xray. When I mine sometimes it will show random ores like emerald or lapis or gold that would normally be there if you break the stone block but right at the moment your pickaxe is done mining the block the ore is just regular stone. So if I am mining I will mine the stone blocks and for a fraction of a second I will see ore but it will turn directly to stone. On the note of lag it only does this for me when I am mining deep in the mining world. I have the problem nowhere else.
oh yes, ive had the thing where the lapis/gold block would turn into stone as well- i thought this was the new anti-xray that andrew implemented and didnt think twice of it. It is annoying but gotta live with it. But ive also used superbreaker deep underground and havent really noticed much of any lag
Its the xray anticheat causing this, you will see it in the video i record later for the other bug report i posted.