I consider myself to be an opsimath concerning the most interesting words of the english language which one does not usually learn in school.
A new word of the day has been decided! I apologize for the lateness of this posting... I blame lack of sleep, a butcher of a manicurist (it's still a little sore to type), followed by 3 hours of bowling. Also, I owe 314 some money.
A new word of the day has been decided! Had to dig deep for this one... now only the letter Z remains without a word. Suggest a word and if I choose it you will win 1k!
That was an informative post - learning about multiple language origins at the same time. So apparently gerstern became gestern over the course of time. What about "zest"? Found it in my dictionary as a synonym for enthusiasm?
Hm... only one posted submission for the letter Z... how odd. Come on, let's show the 26th letter of the alphabet some love! Prize increased to 5k, or more, depending on how many valid words are submitted. Please limit to two words per person for this mini-contest.
I could make a second submission to show the Z some love. Spoiler I took a while to find it. Spoiler How do I even find those...? Spoiler I love the letter Z. And do you know why? Spoiler Because: Zenzizenzizenzic As I said, I show the Z some love. Are we really limited to only two words? ;-;
So that one person doesn't list all the Z words in the dictionary and stop anyone else getting a chance.
*Pulls out a dictionary* Oh, only a total of 10 words here, none of them really rare or special. But I guess those with real english dictionaries and not just minor German-English dictionaries could do that.
This is not a word, as I already mentioned. If you are going to make a suggestion for a featured word, please ensure that it is an actual word before doing so. Gamer speak or other slang is not needed at this time... there are too many other proper words to see to first.