I think that there should be kits for builders, residents, mayor, and president. The kits would be for builder is the same /kit starter , the residents is /kit resident the mayors is /kit mayor and presidents /kit president The resident tools would be stone/iron mayor tools would be iron/diamond presidents tools would be diamond tools or chainmail armor hope this works so more people may stay for the differ kits
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Although I do agree with the idea of more kits, I do not agree with your kit ideas, as rezonl stated above
Chainmail is 20k for a full set, You could earn over 15k by just typing a simple command, then selling the chainmail below its regular price, so people would buy the chainmail from you and not from the server store.
Chain mail, gold and diamond is a definite NO -
You could technically make kits with items that are already sold in the server shop... /kit flowers, you get 64 Roses and 64 Yellow Flowers, for the price at the store. Assuming you can put prices on kits, at least. Could be a Resident+ thing, or Mayor+... And doesn't have to be flowers. Could be any cheaper block/item, and would just be a faster way to buy things. It can also have a short time limit, so you'd still be encouraged to go to spawn. Sometimes you quickly need items, though. -shrugs-