Introducing Eco Subscription Packs!
Free Trial!
This is the free 30-day feature package that we have been discussing over the past few days. It includes a selection of base features that any player can claim one-time per account for 30 days! This package will allow new players to get on their feet in the game and to give them a feel for our features!
The other packages are as follows:
- Get access to all of our Base tier features for 30 days
- Get access to all of our Plus tier features for 30 days
- Get access to all of our Plus2 tier features for 30 days!
Check them all out on the store right here: https://shop.ecocitycraft.com/category/global-ranks
- Get access to all of our Max tier features for 30 days!
The point of this system is for less established players to get a massive amount of features at a low price. Should they decide they only need one or two and/or don't wish to pay the monthly price they are still free to buy the features permanently as always.
Few things to note:
Supporter Tags:
Forum Medals:
- You will get access to the tags while you have access to these feature packages. Once the package expires you will lose access to the tags.
These packages can only be purchased with cash. You cannot use ECC Store Giftcards to purchase them. They however still can be gifted, so it is still possible to purchase these packs with ECD via player-to-player transactions.
- When you purchase a monthly package to get everything, it will in fact award you all those medals on the forum. Once the package expires, you will keep your medals. This is not a bug, this is remanence of an old medal system, which we are removing in the coming years once we finally upgrade our ancient forums. We will not fix/change/alter this. We understand some users may be annoyed by this, but it has after all been over 10+ years and it's a system we must eventually redesign from scratch once we upgrade our website.
Other Updates:
Builder Locks:
- Builders can now use up to 50 LWC's, up from the ancient default of 15 locks. This will allow them to run chestshops and have more security in locking their things. The next rank, Resident still doubles the lock allowance at 100 LWC's!
ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader
Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by ClarinetPhoenix, Apr 25, 2024.