To make an Ecocitycraft cemetery in the Spawn >_>
In one of the corners... I was thinking North-East?
Anyway lemme know if you'd let me try Andrew :3
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dylnordstrom BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
That would be cool Star.
Almost the first thing to see when you're new to the server... might be a wake up call for them. like -> "Hey, if you grief, we put your A__ in the ground!" haha.
It might have to take up all 4 corners though... theres alot of banned users. and you have to think about the future griefers too :p -
I don't have much else to do, and it'd take up lots of time :3
dylnordstrom BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
<_< -
Andrew ]:
Andrew's ignoring me ]:
He reads all of them, he's already replied to Fallens...
It's just me he's ignoring D0rc... I dunno why he hasn't replied to yours :p -
Yes or No Andrew
Where'd you get that info? If you were looking at pas posts, it's wrong.. He hired someone to redo the graveyard on the old map. Don't think he has hired anyone on this map to make a graveyard or cemetery unless it was one of the few times I wasn't on, and was in-game.... Within the last week or so. o.o
It'd have to be one of those rare times neither of us are on....
He hired Ike to make one last map, and he couldn't finish the project before the new map :3