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  1. Duplo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I set up my main base in Athens, run by welikeike22, and over the course of my hiatus he decided to remodel Athens and wipe it clean entirely using worldedit he told me. I used that house to store everything I owned, I literally had nothing on me in my inventory when returning to EcoCityCraft. Tons of diamonds (armor, raw, and tools), all the materials I had found and bought, the plot itself being 25x42 blocks and worth 3k, but most importantly of all the hours that I sunk into making that place beautiful to me. I was saving up for residency as well, and I would have been close to getting it, so when the shop opened prior to my hiatus I bought up all that I could and stored it in my house. I only have $70 to my name now, and no goods to sell back to replenish that extreme loss I faced. I also had a massive mushroom farm which will be very time consuming to replicate once again.

    Welikeike22's only response was that it wasn't his fault, he gave everyone in town a week or so of warning to clear out, but that doesn't really hold any value to me since I was off tending to more serious matters than playing Minecraft. Then when I come back, all he has to tell me is he'll give me a 30x30 plot and it wasn't his fault, as well as many "-.-" faces via chat. He offered no other form of reparation, and did not even claim to being sorry for his actions.

    At its core, this is a grief, cut and dry. Purposeful, he knew what he was doing. He told me that he figured I had simply quit EcoCityCraft, and that was his justification that it was alright. Well, I come here to say that it is not alright and for him to be held accountable for his actions, as well as repaying me in some way, shape, or form, for all the time I had spent ingame wasted. I trust that you'll make the right decision, Andrew.

    Edit: Ah, and by the way, I had forgotten to state my in game name was Duplosion.
  2. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Ouch, man I'd be happy to donate something to you. seems like luck just wasn't on your side.
  3. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele


    I gave people plenty of time, over an entire week, to take down their homes, before i assumed the worldedit would happen, and the world-edit did not even happen in its entirety, the majority of peoples houses had to be torn down, by hand, which took three days after the time i gave people to pack up their things in the first place. Your items were removed, by Andrew, when a few days AFTER the clean-up, he removed all cprivated chests and other items such as doors and signs from the town.

    You accusing me of stealing all your items(No-one stole your items, andrew worldedited all chests, doors, and signs away 2-3 days ago.) and threatening to "have me taken down for griefing" multiple times certainly did not help you when it came to me thinking about giving you reparations even though i am, in no way-shape-or form required to because i gave all members plenty of warning, and the entire city's reconstruction did not even occur until days after i said it would be. The time amounted was well over the amount of time that i told people i was giving them.

    I asked multiple people about multiple members, including you, who had not been seen, and no-one had seen multiple members, including you. I offered to give you your plot back, and i even gave you your plot, i carved it out of a place where shop and government buildings where supposed to go. I even offered to give you some form of reparations, but when you asked me to give you 8,000 dollars, that was way out of league for me, I've spent almost 100k on this town mainly out of my pocket and even i only have 2,000 dollars in my balance now.

    This happened with another town, and while you call it "grief", the same thing happened to another member and it was found that he gave people time to pack up all of their things and move out, and nothing could be done about it. While i am extremely sorry that you lost off of your items, you SHOULD have told me that you were not going to be playing for some time, a majority of members who are not seen on ecocitycraft, who plan on coming back, do tell us that they are going on a hiatus(Like Koji, gone for a month or so, told us he was leaving.)

    In addition, and you told us you were leaving i would of purposely made sure your house wasn't deleted, just like i did for two other members(Canada_Blue being one of them), so that when they returned they could take their items out and move. I can not possibly hold an entire city from being re-done because of one members lack of activity.
  4. Starbolt79 Guest

    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Only Ike will take the time to write out a longer speech than the person complaining...

    Bigger = Better, right?

  5. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Nah. I just wanted to explain what happened, and my view on it.
  6. Starbolt79 Guest

    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    You could have probably cut out three paragraphs and your point would still be made...
  7. CordialBacon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    (What ike said first of all and here is my 2 cents) It is your own fault for not reading forums. Athens was NOT world edited, a team of workers, (INCLUDING MY SELF) took it down with picks and shovels.

    Of course Andy probable did get rid of the floating chests and such with some sort of world edit thing-a-ma-jig, but there were days before Athens was destroyed, if you can't play on the server, at least try to check the forums every now and then.

    Andy will most likely say about the same thing I did, or something like this, "It was your own fault for not being on the server or checking the forums." Andrew with what I know DOES NOT replace items, maybe you could ask Ike to re-inverse you, ask him to give you a little bit of cash, or maybe some free items, picks, wood, such and such. If you had a lot of diamonds in your chest, ask Ike to donate a few diamonds, for free. (HENCE "donate") Hope this helps. :)
  8. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Exactly. Had i not been threatened to be "taken down" i would of been much nicer when it came to giving him items to reimberse him, but the fact of the matter is i dont have that much money as i just shelled out 40k for PVP.
  9. Duplo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Tearing down by hand is a higher degree of grief than a world edit is. You could have simply erased around it and waited for a return of myself. It never will change the fact that I bought into Athens for $3,000 for the assuredness that my house would be 100% safe from any and all harm, along with any goods I place into it.

    Believe me when I say that the goods in that home were worth well over 8,000 of the EcoCityCraft dollars, and that I was being generous in requesting such an amount. The goods stored within could have quite possibly boosted me to double that when selling to people in need of the materials, such as rare pumpkins for example which can go for $200 a piece on occasion.

    As I told you whilst in game about alerting you as to my temporary leave. I found no need to do so. I did not foresee such a grievous act to occur via your actions, nor did I believe that I had to check in with anyone about a video game I was playing.

    I believe you incorrectly said that sentence, you make it sound as if I told you I was leaving. Anyhow Ike, there was no way I could have told you having separated myself from the Minecraft community for so long. I appreciate that you carved out the exact plot size I had and you remembered to log it in that forum, but it does not change the fact. You chose to destroy it, despite it being a protected town deemed safe, all for the whim of redecorating.

    As for your comment Rez, I thank you mate. I may just take you up on that if things aren't found against Ike's favor.
  10. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Honestly, you guys should repay him. I know you guys had the right to assume that he quit ECC, but yet he returned. Mayabe he had somethings to do in life and couldnt be as active as he could of been. Luck wasn't on his side, and you guys should at least respect that and give him something.
  11. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    QFT Right here.

    You guys should't be wiping towns, I mean, whats the point? Just remodel it...
  12. CordialBacon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    OK one thing. IKE-CAN-NOT-PAY-YOU-MONEY-IT-IS-YOUR-OWN-FUALT-FOR-NOT-READING-FORUMS-OR-BEING-IN-GAME. Ok, get it? If you were leaving you should of said to any towns you live in, "Hey i'm going to be gone for a while, k?"
  13. Starbolt79 Guest

    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    So Witch, if you were gone for a few days and rolled back because you were inactive, you wouldn't care?

  14. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    i'm currently cutting myself
  15. SafieKyo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 9, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    Want some ice for that burn.....
    I know BLT would flip, she always flips.
  16. Starbolt79 Guest

    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    It's probably better to just ignore her for now... Yay foes on forums <3
  17. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Re: I took weeks of a Minecraft Hiatus and my house was dele

    I've offered to give you more than you've asked for in diamond, along with resources to build a house, but you say you dont want it because you're leaving the server, because of the owners immaturity... I don't really know what to say, but the offer will stand for awhile.. o.o
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