Did anybody see the new i phone that they released today? I wasn't really impressed come on... a larger screen?... you should've done this a long time ago.... and the new virtual wallet with NFC wasn't very impressive to me either. We've had that tech for a while now and they're probably going to get the credit for "innovating it" xD They need to move on with a newer design. The big things added though are... -LArger screen (this fruit company has been very behind with this....) -Faster processor (supposedly more efficient and better with graphics) (I believe I read somewhere that their a8 and a7 processors are faster than samsung's quallcomm chip in the S5 - Virtual wallet (Useful for managing multiple credit cards, also, the tech used in it can be used to sync phones with a tap) Not the most useful, but we'll probably be seeing tons of retailers putting up receivers now that all the apple fans are buying the new one) I don't usually bash apple (I do like their laptops) but they should really move on with the design for these phones....make something impressive. Android and windows phones have so much more to offer these days feature-wise. well.... nuff with my rant.... what do you guys think? and no.... please don't just say it's amazing for no reason....
I can't believed they produced another one of these crappy phones ;-; I myself have an Iphone 4s and love it. I believe all of the versions after that to be quite useless.
I personally think that all the iPhones after 4s are the same really, just different size and a few added features. I actually want to get the iPhone6plus because of the size of phone. I love iPhone in general and wanted either an iPad or an iPhone... this may I can have a mix. After iOS 8 comes out, the 4s will be less useful than it is now because all the apps will update and the 4s won't be able to get the apps
well duh..... I heard their iphone division is worth more than all of microsoft combined because of all the people who blindly buy a new iphone.... but really... the past two updates have just been disappointing :/
Also, Samsung's S4- S5 update was okay, but fingerprint readers & heartrate monitors are just gimmicks. 1. Fingerprint sensors are NOT secure and have proven so since they've been in use... 2. I don't remember the last time I decided to pick up a phone and check my heart rate... :/ maybe for tracking how hard a run (or exercise) was, but then your phone would get all sweaty. I do like that it's waterproof though :|
It's amazing for all reasons. Larger screen, faster processor, 1080p video capture, Retina HD display. The only thing they forgot to add is the sapphire crystal display they said they were going to put in the iPhone 6/Plus.
I see what you mean there, but I was expecting something a little more exciting. The processor, I don't really care much for as most of the apple games are designed to run on their a7 chips as that's like the only configuration xD It will enable more advanced games, but it's not really that big. Also, most phones already have large screens and amazing camera. Check out that 41 megapixel nokia lumia xD
After the 4s, nothing too exciting was added to the iPhone. iOS 7 basically made everything look different and it messed some people's phones up. Every time apple releases a phone they give it a bigger screen and say it has better graphics. I honestly don't see a difference in between the graphics. As for the new processor, I think the iPhones are fast enough. I wouldn't buy the new phone considering i could get one with a smaller screen for over $100 less.
I think it's completely outrageous to pay anywhere near what they're asking for a phone. People with more money to spend may disagree. Even with a contract with prices ranging from $200-$300, that's still insane. If you're like me and don't use contracts, you would have to pay around $750 I believe. You'd have to be ignorant to pay that much for a phone, regardless of how powerful etc. it is.
Cores and clock speed don't always tell you the whole picture behind a computer. I've seen intel Atoms that run faster and have more cores than my laptop, but are still pretty wel... slow xD. Sometimes people buy an iphone for the software that comes with it. When you get an apple device, usually all the apps will work amazingly as they're optimized to run on the latest iphone, but with android, it's the wild west of apps as some people have the slowest of the slow and the fastest of the fast phones xD If I were to buy something that I know would run pretty nice, I would buy an iphone or an expensive android/windows phone. Iphones aren't completely awful, but they could use some better features.....
Someone give me a reason to get the iphone6? I was originally going to get the iphone 6 but now I'm having second thoughts. I'm not too crazy about the bigger screen ordeal. I actually am satisfied with the current screen size now. Is there anything else the iphone 6 has to offer besides internal processors and such? I might as well get the iphone5s which is much cheaper. I also want a lifeproof case with the iphone. That would require waiting with the new iphone6 size. Any thoughts?
If you have the money to blow, the S5 is a pretty good option. Unless you really really want ios. The S5 is apparently waterproof and has tons of features.
I will be buying an iPhone6 as well as possible Hopefully on Sunday Edit: As to the iPhone or not debate. With the new OSX, can anyone tell me another phone that will be able to direct it calls/text to my computer? lol. The reason that I will continue to buy iPhones is that it syncs seamlessly, and increases to do so more and more with each OS & OSX update, with my iPad and macbook pro. Not to mention the £100's I've spent on apps over the years for OSX lol.
I'm not an Apple lover. I had a few ipods in my time, but for me it all comes down to price I guess. When I went to get a tablet, Google and Amazon had good tablets way cheaper than the ipads. When I went to get my phone, Samsung were over $300 cheaper than the iPhone 5 AND they were just as good as the iPhone. When I bought my laptop, it was cheaper and I didn't see the Mac doing things that my laptop couldn't do, so I went with pc. I donno though, I've put a lot of thought into the new iPhone 6+ and I just may eventually get it, though I am happy with my Samsung Galaxy 4 and I'm not sure how I'll handle the bigger size of that phone. I would always just get the iPhone 6 I guess if the 6+ is too big. In the end, it will come down to price in the end though. It'll be a while before I will be able to afford it, so who knows what Apple will put out by then.
We're probably about to get 3x iPhone 6's, currently got 4s's. For me it's the utility. If I did not have the 4s plus an iPad and MacBook I would not consider the 6, but I use the integration of all three all the time - and I really mean all the time because I seem to end up working all the time. Grrr. I like the fact my MacBook boots from cold to logged in in 17 seconds including me typing my password (it's SSD) and that I can be loading up websites on the iPad or iPhone at work and open those on the MacBook in the evening. But this is how I've come to work, not because that was the way I worked. My work has ended up being shaped by what the hardware will let me do and its no bad thing as it works very well for me. Had I never had the iPhone 4s though, then nor would I have purchased an iPad and then the MacBook. I'd be all PC and Windows, or Galaxy whatnots, not working as efficiently as I am, but not realising that I wasn't if you see what I mean.
I have an iPhone 5, however I somehow use it seamlessly with an HP laptop. I believe with a new 2-year contract you can get the new smartphones for $99-$199, where I acquired my iPhone 5 for a low price of $199. However, the iPhone 6 is a huge improvement in terms of capability and size. I will buy it because I have hands the size of Shaquille O'Neal.