Yeah, if you retaliate against someone who hurts you, people will accuse you of the wrong-doing, but if you ignore them and they continue to bully, then THEIR reasons of being mean will be questioned, instead of yours. That is my best advice, as I am not very sensative. I'm only sensative to critisism from people I know and/or love.
Itsa_Spencas, I have never spoke with you ingame but only read your post here on the forums. I think you need to work on your self out of game first then that will transpire in game. everyone has problems in life we just have to do our best to fix our problems and move on. Once you start dwelling on your self it becomes a cancer and eats you away. If you have a problem and need somome to talk to just pm me ingame ill listen.
I am sorry but this isn't a place to put your problems. Complaint on a user in-game or on forums make it is complaints section or pm moderator directly. If you have these problems IRL then talk to someone IRL rather than people online. I feel this is more of a attention grab than anything you don't need to make all this about it just get on with it or if you don't like it stop playing the server.
Itsa, believe me when I tell you... Do not speak to people that don´t like you. Something I have learned with people these past years over the internet is that there is always one or a lot of guys that just like to pick on a guy... for whatever reason, they just like to pick on that same guy everyday.. Unfortunately that is the true, and don´t care about other people, care about you. If you do not have any friends at this moment I am sure you will make new ones! : )! I love making new friends, and if you need someone to talk to just message me In-Game or start a conversation on the forums, I would be glad to talk to you! As you can see there is also a lot of people here on the forums giving you advice, because they care about you! Try and talk to them and make new friends! We are a really big server with a lot of players, I am sure one of them would like to talk to you (Like me) : )! Good luck, I seriously hope you get threw with this! NOTE: I do really think bullying and picking on people is a bit ignored on this server : / @IItsa_Spenca