So can I give you moneys how bout you dance for money oh is this an run on sentences with bad grammar i feel trolly am I trolly TROLOLOLO hipper active omgomgomg its the manic phase hi bipolar issues helphelphelpmomeymoneyomg how am I typing correctly lalalalalala omgomgomg bai bai ereyone lalalala
If only life worked this way... To get to Mayor you must actually put time and effort into raking in some serious dough, that's why it costs so much; it's testing who can actually handle the responsibility that acompanies the Mayor rank. I've been Resident for 1 week and am only 15k from Mayor. If you're serious about wanting to take on the responsibilities of Mayor you should be able to do it yourself and then later congratulate yourself for making the effort of getting the rank. If you can't handle that then you deserve your current rank.
we're not greedy, but we all got mayor the REAL way. By making the money by ourselves, putting TIME and EFFORT into it. Not making threads and BEGGING people for donations.
I agree. Unfortunately it seems as though many new users aren't quite passing this "test" and that's why we seem to see builders becoming tycoons overnight practically and the ranks of mayor and president becoming redundant.