I think we should have hunts every 3-5 days and only allow us to make it day on days when it isnt the hunt. So thats like 5 days to build and make something, than A night to go play for some prizes!
Imo we should have a /signup command for the hunt, if there isnt enough signed up, mods can just /time day. Seen signup for mob hunt other places, so then its just up to mods to stay off the /time command if enough ppl are signed? +1 LARS you are g-R-8!
Making it so we could /time day for five days would be... feels like too much. I understand people wanting to build, but we did add monsters because people wanted them. They probably wanted night, too. You shouldn't have to go into caves to find monsters 24/5. D: I do agree that hunts shouldn't be so often, though.. I'd make it a couple times a day, or lower the prizes greatly. +1 for Lars too btw o.o
Maybe a little less like maybe 3 days? Because it only takes me about 1 day to prepare for the night, But i havnt got to farm
I think maybe 2-4 times every IRL day at like 6 hour intervals would good so it can appeal to all of our members around the world. I can't build anything right now because my town is protected. Also if I got it protected, will mobs still be able to walk into my town?
Monsters actually couldn't walk into my town last time I checked... Maybe it was lag.. And the new update is lovesauce. :|