Have you ever thought of attracting new players to your broadcast and to your server thanks to social networks? From my own experience I can say that this can really help. It's just how people find your channel or your service, and so social networks will help you with this. I myself created a separate page on instagram and made a catchy and beautiful yellow instagram logo there using. There you can find a lot of cool and useful things for you. Good luck to you.
There seems to be plenty of new players joining the server, I think the challenge is how to retain them and encourage them to hang around and grow a broader regular player base. Not sure the current game play of the server easily supports this.
Agree I think we get more than 70 new players a day but probaby most of them leave bc they dont understand how the server works, so a youtuber making a serie would really helps a lot to understand it for new players
Getting more players is simple. I need to advertise. Currently we are not. We have plans to do so in July. Advertising costs $$$.
Heya fellow #OldGoat, welcome back. Don't think I will ever get it figured out. Fence sitting currently. Not partial to P2W approach, so doing the subtle grind for now.
I don't think getting the numbers to join is an issue at all. It's the retaining of the new players that needs to be addressed. ECC seems to have evolved away from the earlier open community platform to one where groups have established silos. All current large servers have fallen into this trap associated with P2W, and in turn servers fall for the advertising / marketing trap to throw money at to push numbers to float an increasing running budget they are met with.
The hardest part when I joined was having my own spot. I don't want to be part of someone else town or anything. I almost left because I didn't have any way to protect a farm so I can farm products to make money. I think a lot of new people that come see how hard it is to make the money for Mayor and don't stick around. Maybe if new players can get like a protection stone that protects like a 20x20 area for them to start off with. Just my .02. Besides that I find the server to be pretty balanced. At least for me.