IGN: BLTwitch Horse name (or N/A): Bedrock, not named with nametag, will be adding soon as possible. Sreenshot: http://imgur.com/7hYErqG Also, when will you be adding Cocoa and the other people that posted?
SolaceDevotio, please upload separate screenshots for Maisy and Daisy so that it's clear which is the focus of each screen.
IGN: cameron7686 Horse name (or N/A): Fazer Sreenshot: http://www.flickr.com/photos/94622456@N08/9286500342/
IGN- TheRandomOwl624 Horse name- Owlie Screenshot- http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/6...-07-15_055405_zps9f8e2253.png.html?sort=3&o=0
IGN: usapresident999 Horse name (or N/A): Fluffy! Sreenshot: http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/Awesomeplayer9/media/2013-07-15_164725_zpsc233b499.png.html