~**~Holiday Give-Away~**~ [$70 And ECD Total Prizes]

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Zedoker, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. thehockeykids2

    thehockeykids2 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: thehockeykids2
    What Current Ranks are you?: president, pilot, survivor
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: the atmosphere and general joy of people
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I think i should win because i do my best to be kind to people, help out others when in need, and to try my best to make ECC fun and friendly to anyone who needs it.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I think that SparklyPotato2 deserves to win because she's always nice to everyone, does favours/gives advice to anyone who needs it, she'll brighten up your day when you feel down and is a very good friend of mine
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I would use some of it to get a melon sword, and the rest would go towards supporting my towns
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Just a thanks for doing this
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  2. fordboy33

    fordboy33 -$ Mayor -$- Money Makes The World Go Round
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: fordboy33
    What Current Ranks are you?: Mayor [$$]
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: Food , Presents, and seeing all the family.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I am very helpful to builders when they join the server and give them tips on how to make money. I also give away free apartments to new builders who cannot buy a plot. I go out of my way to help people if they need help with anything.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I believe that thomasku11 should because he has help me with lots of things i cant do and has given me a lot of e-repairs. He has gone out of his way to help me and others.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I would buy tp and save up for a eff 7 pick or save up for ext commands.
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Thanks for putting up with me asking for e-repairs and other things. Its also cool you are giving back to everyone on ECC. THANKS!
  3. Mysticgoli123

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ X ⭐⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: Mysticgoli
    What Current Ranks are you?: Mayor
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: the swim which is a family tradition
    Why do you feel that you should win?: because i make my money slow, i always donate a few dollars to people who i really feel deserve it
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: i am unsure. i think omnicrafter or Mcg1 because they are both cool helpful people
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: i will put it towards money for netherstars or even a melon sword, which once obtained i shall use/rent out
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: none
  4. KMaxwell

    KMaxwell Crazy Cat Lady that Crochets
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: KMaxwell
    What Current Ranks are you?: GameAdmin, President, Survivor, Pilot
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: Voluenteering to work so my co-workers with children can have the day off to spend time with their family. My gift to them, plus the holiday pay means I can splurge on some very nice gifts for my family.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: Because I'm awesome? But, seriously, everyone deserves to win just as much as everyone else, I can only hope I am lucky enough, and honored, to be chosen for an award at any level.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: clou44, because she put up with my Bunny statue craze and is still somehow willing to make more of them once the new blocks from 1.7 come out.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: Both ECC Freecycle and KMax Repair Services need new locations, so I hope to buy some plots in new or outlaying towns so that these services are as widely available as I can make them.
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Thank you very much for your gift giving spirit this holiday season.
  5. Pasta_Beard

    Pasta_Beard Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 15, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: Warrior_Bob_999
    What Current Ranks are you?: Mayor, Survivor, Pilot, [$]
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: I like the friendship and family connections that paly a major part in the Holidays. I love seeing my family and friends :)
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I feel that there is nothing really better about me, pick whoever you want!
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I believe cahlawat1 should receive one. He has helped me through hard times, been a great friend and has loaned me his eff7 at a great rate
    What will you do with the money if you do win?:If I won the money would go to paying my loan off, I would hate for the user to not get their money and also, I would hate being banned
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Nope
  6. mafhewm

    mafhewm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?:mattbiscuit
    What current ranks are you?:Resident (a long way to mayor)
    What is your favorite part of the holidays?:when me and my family open up the presents one by one together.
    Why do you feel you should win?: I think I should win because I've been helping new players and also players.
    If anyone, who do you think deserves a moderate prize?: Whichgametoday deserves to win that money because he is struggling to get a town portal.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?:I wouldbuy mayor or a msword.
    Any additional comments/questions/concerns?: Thanks zedoker for doing this giveaway and Happy Holidays
  7. monkeyBUTT244

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 6, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: monkeyBUTT244
    What Current Ranks are you?: I am currently Tycoon, Survivor, and Pilot... I think...
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: I have 2 favorite parts, I guess you could say.My first favorite part of the holidays is going to my dads house and celebrating with him. I barely ever see him regularly- only about once a month- and seeing him and celebrating always makes my Christmas and my brothers' and sisters' Christmas 100 times better. I also love going to charity events and helping raise money for the wounded/homeless veterans that have protected us with their lives.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I don't feel I should win- I feel everyone should win, and in a way, everyone does win because of the generosity in your heart to give 1k to every applicant.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: If anyone, I believe monkeybutty2 deserves a prize. His account has been hacked twice and he has gotten it back both times. He has joined the server before most mods joined the server, and he is still a builder! He needs a boost!
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: If I do win, I will use the money to help around my town, help around other people's town, or most likely host some sort of Santa event to give to the community I have known for so long.
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: N/A, and Happy Holidays!!!
  8. Dccciz

    Dccciz Nicememer55
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: Dccciz
    What Current Ranks are you?: Mayor, Survivor and $
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: My favorite part of the holidays was when last year my family took giant boxes, filled them with candies and hygiene products and other stuffs that soldiers like, and sent them to a group of soldiers stationed in Afghanistan.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I feel that I should win because I have helped lots of people join ECC and help them move up the ranks, as well as being a helpful co-mayor in many towns, and assisting people with their questions.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: SolaceDevotio, she has always been a great friend and helped me throughout my journeys on ECC.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I will use 20k to get ExtCreations, and then open up a spawnshop.
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Yup, thanks for having this awesome giveaway, and I hope you have a great holiday season! :)
    #68 Dccciz, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  9. bdog00

    bdog00 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Mar 8, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?:bdog00
    What Current Ranks are you?:resident
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?:hanging out with farmly and no school
    Why do you feel that you should win?:i have been playing for a few years and would like to get to mayor it would be the best holidays on ecc ever
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?:idk
    What will you do with the money if you do win?:the ecd i will use to get mayor and the donate money i will use to get tp or something not sure
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?hope everyone has a good holidays
  10. SpicyMemes

    SpicyMemes Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 8, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: My IGN is Pwnzor101, capital P, lowercase wnzor101.
    What Current Ranks are you?: I am a resident with the survivor nether access.
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: My favorite part of the holidays is going over to my grandparents' house and enjoying a family dinner with my cousins and my extended family.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: That's for you to decide, zedo! :D
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I say that falconaire should get moderate prize. I respect his work in the server, and he always tries so hard, and I say he should be awarded.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?:

    PART A: The Donation:

    If I got the donation prize, for purposes only, let's say the $50, I'd most likely get a nickname (**SwagMaster101) and I might get a HG kit.

    PART B: The Money:

    With the money I would receive, I would go to the player shops and make sure I buy from every single shop, to give back to the community. Also, I would give 1-2 builders 15k so they can be resident. I'll get mayor in time, just not with the prize money. Other people need it more than I do!!! :D

    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Nope! I respect any decision that you make, and I know that any decision you make is for the best!
    Thanks for letting me apply! :D :D :D

  11. nastyburger

    nastyburger Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 26, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: oubg1234
    What Current Ranks are you?: Mayor and survivor
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: The feast and seeing how people like the gifts I get them.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I have only a small amount of money to share with some of my friends
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: scarm00, and samurius1234, they helped me excavate and place dirt/grass in my town also while refusing to accept anything from me. koubashii also helped me when Iwas a resident drain the water from my basement while also refusing to get payed.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I will share some with friends to help them get to my rank and to buy materials to build my town.
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Thank you for this years giveaway.
    #71 nastyburger, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  12. drodude

    drodude Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?:DroDude
    What Current Ranks are you?: Resident
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: My favorite part is the point of giving every Christmas I love giving something to my cousins and love it when I see the smiles on there face it makes me feel good giving people things just you can literraly see the sparkle in there eyes its just so amazing and that is why chirstmas is my favorite its the giving not the getting
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I fell I should win because I love giving i don't give right now because i don't have much money in the game but i would if i did
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I think it should be snackmac altho he is probably rich and is a president i would love it he is all ways helping people in the town of bastion like me he is really nice and he is a great mayor
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I will get mayor and would start a city with plots for builders extremely
    cheap or maybe even free of they just have started I will also give away some of my money that i win
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?:
    Thank u zedoker with all that help with the fishing table links for this and for any future help thanks ahead and have a very merry Christmas Oh and sorry for that post i forgot how to and thanks for that merry chirstmas
  13. Cardinal3

    Cardinal3 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: Cardinal3

    What Current Ranks are you?: President, Survivor, $$$

    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: Christmas of course. More specifically, present openings when people open the presents I get them their face is priceless. Either in a good or bad way. Having family around is great too.

    Why do you feel that you should win?: I do the best I can in helping the people that really need it such as builders. As a somewhat experienced player, I do my best in answering questions as well.

    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I would nominate kukelekuuk00 because... well... he's kind of a big deal.

    What will you do with the money if you do win?: Probably buy more donation features. I have to work hard to earn them as I don't spend any of my IRL money. Saving up for college.

    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Not really. Thanks for doing giveaways like these. Santa loves it.
  14. AcidSpiral

    AcidSpiral Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 16, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: AcidSpiral
    What Current Ranks are you?: Mayor / $$$$ / Nether
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: Egg Nog! Not really, can't drink too much of the stuff... The snow is my favorite part I would have to say.
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I don't know if I should win but it never hurts to apply. :p
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I think... A resident that actually shows promise and isn't going to quit the server and cause the prize to go to waste. I have no one in particular in mind.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I would take it in gift cards if possible to save up for fly. :D
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: Not really.
  15. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?:
    My IGN is Maco20047 (Or may-co-two-double 0-four-seven)

    What Current Ranks are you?:
    My Current ranks are Mayor [$$$$], Pilot, and Survivor

    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?:
    My favorite part of the holidays is being able to get away from school and go spend time with family and friends, while eating tons of awesome food and getting Christmad fat. :D

    Why do you feel that you should win?:
    I don't feel I deserve to win more than anyone else. However, I'm working on a lot of projects at the moment, from projects for America, to my own, personal projects in my own towns.

    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?:
    I think Nicit6 should win a prize as well. He is a very mature, nice player who is always willing to help someone. He is overall a good player and an even better friend. :)

    What will you do with the money if you do win?:
    As I do with any sort of donation/giveaway money I receive, it will go towards my projects for the betterment of ECC's community.

    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?:
    Thank you so very much for doing this. If I don't win, congratulations in advance to anyone who wins, I suspect you deserve it!
  16. Falconaire

    Falconaire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: Falconaire
    What Current Ranks are you?: Moderator, President, $$$$ Donator, Survivor, Pilot
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: My favorite part of the holidays is the togetherness and giving nature that accompanies it. Being able to see family and interact with them is an amazing experience, and without that interaction the Holidays would be a hollow shell of what they usually are.

    Why do you feel that you should win?:
    I feel like I answer this question too much; in all the past Giveaway I've applied for I constantly am faced with the struggle of examining myself and really dissecting what I've done to benefit the server, which is the only reason I think I should win a prize. I view myself as just another player in an awesome community, and I've always made it my goal to improve other peoples' experience.

    One of the tools I've used to do this is my Giveaways. I've successfully hosted 15 weekly Giveaways, and am now hosting a massive Christmas Giveaway. As of December 25th, I'll have given away 2,500,000 ECD's to other players of the server. I believe this has given other players something to strive for, and hope that it has improved the attitude towards generosity on ECC.

    Another contribution is my position as a Moderator. It's always been my goal to help people, and about a month and a half ago, this goal was reached. I am proud to carry the title of Mod and serve the community on a day to day basis. I am constantly assisting other people by handling Complaint, giving advice, or putting in an encouraging word. I believe I've touched a lot of people through ECC, and that I've created ripples to improve ECC as a whole.

    My town Aquila has left a constant legacy for me to be proud of. Even after being relatively inactive within the town, the mini-community still thrives. The Aquila town chat channel is usually packed with players who are chatting among themselves.

    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: GhostMaster2, , Ghost is constantly an amazing friend to all members of the community. Regardless of whether he knows you or not, Ghost is there to make you feel better about yourself, and spread that awesome humor he contains. I think he is one of the great role models of the server, and think he's worthy of a prize.

    What will you do with the money if you do win?: If I was to be honored with a prize, all the money would be dedicated to my own Christmas Giveaway. I need to raise 1 Million ECD's by Christmas day, and any help would benefit me greatly.

    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: I'd like to thank zedoker for making this awesome Giveaway. I know the challenge of dedicating your money and time to other players, and what you're doing is an amazing contribution to the server. Thanks so much for what you've done for ECC <3
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  17. maxbld

    maxbld Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 7, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Application said:

    What is your IGN?: maxbld
    What Current Ranks are you?: resident
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: being off snd doing nothing
    Why do you feel that you should win?: caz im a poor new ecc player who just go resident
    iIf anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: caitlin_crime very good playe
    r What will you do with the money if you do win?: get mayor buy a horse maybe pla
    y lotto get fly
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?:please pixk me!!!!
  18. HelixInsight

    HelixInsight Surgeon
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: MCHelix3000
    What Current Ranks are you?: President, Donator [$$], Survivor
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: I love to spend time with my friends and family during the holidays. I always have a big Christmas Party, so that I can meet with all friends and family at once. Playing on ECC and getting gifts is amazing as well!
    Why do you feel that you should win?: I feel that I should win, because I would like to get a boost towards getting features, as I am not allowed to get virtual perks (parents' rule). I hope I get picked as the first, second, or 3rd prize winner, so that I can get a feature that I want for the holidays.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: I would pick SolaceDevotio or Pruneda98 for getting a prize, because they have been very nice friends to me over the past 7 months that I have been on the server.
    What will you do with the money if you do win?: I would put it towards my fund of getting a Melon Sword, so that I can get money to buy features with in-game money. This will not violate my parents' rules :).
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: I would like to thank zedoker for doing this very generous giveaway. It will help the person who wins immensely.
  19. Zach_Attack252

    Zach_Attack252 President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Mar 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?:
    What Current Ranks are you?:
    Mayor [$]
    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?:
    Spending time with my family.
    Why do you feel that you should win?:
    I really want president and [$$] and I wan't to donate some money to some nice people.
    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?:
    I think whtadude should get it to because hes really nice and he let me use his pumpkin farm
    What will you do with the money if you do win?:
    Buy pres and a feature and buy supplies for my town.
    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?:One thing is I'm amazed your doing this. And Thankyou for doing this give away
    Well I hope everyone has a fun time and I congrats the person who wins
  20. StoneIronZ

    StoneIronZ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: StoneIronZ

    What Current Ranks are you?: President [$$$$]

    What is your favorite part of the Holidays?: The smells of all of the Christmas trees and the huge dinner my family makes on Christmas day :)

    Why do you feel that you should win?: Answering these types of questions bothers me because it makes everyone look like a show-off. However, for the sake of the giveaway, I will answer it.

    First off, I have never one any of these types of competitions before. I've never really given much effort in any applications before this one. Next, Im an honest ECC user. I don't scam, nor do I ever have intentions of doing so. IF someone pays me too much or sends money to the wrong person, I will pay them back the amount. Im a genuine person that believes in equality. Additionally, I've been helping my town members by giving out free TPs, E-repairs, and water/fire placements. Yes, after doing 10 or more of them in a 2 hour span can be annoying, but i don't let it get to me because i like watching my town grow and prosper. Without a beneficent mayor, that would be impossible. Lastly, I would like to conclude that I would be honored to win some sort of prize for this giveaway. If i don't come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, I will GLADLY be content with 1k.

    If anyone, who do you feel deserves a moderate prize?: Falconaire. "Awwe, do I even need a reason?" - Weird Al

    What will you do with the money if you do win?: The money will most likely be invested....Somewhere.... Definitly not lottery though. I never play the lottery anymore.

    Any Additional Comments/Questions/Concerns?: I don't really know you in game, but, thank you for doing this and giving back to the community.
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