Hello. I am ethanfez. And I am a Minecraft addict. I am owner of a few town. Co-mayor of more. I have tp and multi-home Anything else you want to know about me. Or if you just was to say hi, pm me in game.
,,, i i' \~;\ \; \ \ ;\ ==== \ ;\ ==== \ __,--';;;\-' ( 0 __,--';;; ;;; ;;\ > __,--'\\ ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;\--__< _ _,--' __,--'\\ ;;; __,~~' \ ;\ (_)|_,--' __,--'\\;,~~' \ ;\ |(_)|_,--' ~~ \; \ || | \ ;\ |_/ !~!, .---'''---. | | | | | | `---------' AND THAT'S BASICALLY ME EVERY DAY
Things about me: I am 13 years old. My name is Nicholas. I am actually not random at all, but I'm very predictable. I'm Asian. I like long walks on the beach.
My name is Gernen as you can see right there ^^ <----------------------------- I like breadfish, skydiving and building huge stractures. Most people call me Gernen and i usualy roam in the mining world or from town to town, you can find me building stuff from a small wood house to a stoney cathedral.
Ponies... I like Ponies.... Especially My Little Ponies.... P.S. Rainbowdash is worst pony, fluttershy is best pony Videowiz92
Hi, I'm crossfire26. Most people call me cross. 3 facts: I like to fly around a lot. I have never had over $200,000 in my bal before I am shy (irl and mc)
Your inclination to question my invalidity is invalid in itself. ...So basically your argument is invalid.
Your inclination to invalidity about my argument's invalidity is inclined to being invalid about argumentative invalidity.