Help the Helpers! Campaign

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WaffleMan22, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. WaffleMan22

    WaffleMan22 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 26, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    I'm starting a donation campaign.

    This campaign is a donation charity that aims to give money to all the friendly major towns that make ECC what it is. Below is a list of towns we can help:

    • OMG
    • Kenny's Crop Farm
    • ECC Museum
    • and possibly more!

    We plan to give all of these popular selling towns what they deserve for helping EcoCityCraft!

    Terms of Service

    To keep our service running, we get a tiny (3%) cut of your generous
    donations to build the campaign. 97% goes to many popular farm and
    shop towns that help ECC be a working economy. Service only available
    on MainNorth.

    ECC wouldn't be the same without you, @kenny0011 @NessXXIII @Jdawger and everyone else who creates our economy.

    Please Donate to @WaffleMan22 and we'll give your donations to our member every week.