Thread title:
Locked out of my own chests
Minecraft Username:
Brief Description:
I haven't played in a while but have recently started to draw blueprints for my ghost of a town and i seem to have locked myself out of 2 of my chest. It shouldn't matter if the chest has a password taking my town is in the middle of nowhere with nobody to have permission to mine so if somebody could please unlock those for me it would be very helpfull:D
p.s. i apologize if i have posted this in the wrong thread, i was not sure where exactly to post it.
1.unlock my chests(2)
List the steps needed to take to reproduce this bug. Add more or less instructions appropriate to getting to the bug. If it's just a single step or ten steps, just add the numbers accordingly. Numeral listing is preferred.
How many times did you recreate this bug?:
well, once
Expected Result:
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